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Some customer facing unexpected behavior by using the Enterprise Search in Solution Documentation. Such behavior may caused by misoperation and can be solved easily. In this blog a few scenarios will be listed to help them solve the problem quickly instead of waiting for the service support.

List of scenarios

  1. Different user with identical profile get different search result at identical search term

  2. Search results has elements without containing the search term

  3. Search results does not containing all the elements which meet the search term

  4. Unable to Search External Element such as Test Step

  5. Inconsistent Result between Report SOLMAN_UNUSED_72_DOCUMENTS and Orphan Document view

  6. Key words in Imbedded Document are not searchable

  7. Content which are edited via  'SAP GUI Online Edit' are not searchable.


   1) Different user with identical profile get different search result at identical search term

the location in the document structure from which the search is executed impacts the search  result.  Below is the example of basic search "Test Doc". Under Process two results will be shown.   

While under Process Step only one result will be shown.



  2) Search results has elements without containing the search term

By basic search the search term are applied to all the fields which may not displayed. Document with name "Document Shown" has "Test Doc" as Description.

If you start basic search with "Test Doc" then you get "Document Shown" as result. However search term "Test Doc" is not shown in the result list.



3)Search results does not containing all the elements which meet the search term

case a)

There are 2 test documents and one document under process which contains "Test" in there name.

By search for "Test" returns only 2 results. This is caused by the layout or the filter function.

Reset the layout then all the 3 elements will be found.

case b)

If an element A is located in another place, but only a reference exists in your current place, it could not be found by search at current place unless option "Include Originals" is set. It tells the search engine that do not only consider content that are physically here but also the references.

Exclude Original

Include Original

For most of the case, if you want to find things that are in Library but just reference exist in process, option "Include Originals" should be selected.

case c)

All kind of macro enabled (eg. .docm) or packed file types (e.g. zip, rar) are not
supported for indexing in principle. Thus it's not able to search.

case d)

You have maintained MIME types in another customizing table SDOKMIME_C(standard is SDOKMIME) in a wrong way or not updated.

For example

EXTENSION                           TYPE

docx                 application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.word

Thus it is not able to search the content of this file.


4) Unable to Search External Element such as Test Step

Solution Documentation offers the API for other application to create element. Sometimes those elements are not searchable. In this case check the DB table SMUD_ESH_IDS to see if the element exist.

If number of entries is 0, it means the search model has an inconsistency to the SOLDOC(SMUD) model. In order to fix the inconsistency, delete the existing search model SMUD_ELEMENT & SMUDKW_INFO_OBJECT, execute report RSMUD_SEARCH_MODEL_CREATE and do indexing again.

The search function will not be working before initial indexing is finished, and it will normally take a long time to process. Thus carefully arrange the initial indexing. It would be even better if one can make a copy of the system and do the re-configuration there for testing and estimation.


5) Inconsistent Result between Report SOLMAN_UNUSED_72_DOCUMENTS and Orphan Document view

With report SOLMAN_UNUSED_72_DOCUMENTS all the unused documents will be listed.

In SolDoc, we can also reuse the unused document.

select "Orphan Document"

However the result of both may different. This has serval reasons.

  1. Document URL will be listed in Report but not in Orphan Documents View.

  2. A document could be used in other application like test workbench or be referenced by other documents in other solution. Such document will be listed in Orphan Documents view but not as unused document in the report. The reason is such document is being referenced. In soldoc assign document search, the scope is the current solution, so it is unused.

  3. Test Document and Document are listed together in Report. But in Solution Documentation they will be listed separately.


6) Content of Embedded Document are not searchable

Embedded Document means a document embedded in another document.

In Solution Manager 7.2, the embedded document can't be found by any search engines. The TREX worked for Solution Manager 7.1 versions only, it is due to the different infrastructures.


7) Content which are edited via  'SAP GUI Online Edit' are not searchable.

You are editing documents via 'SAP GUI Online Edit' in Soldoc and when you search for a document based on the content, no document is found. This is simply because real time indexing was not triggered when you edited via SAP GUI online Edit.

Please implement 3080522 - Soldoc: SAP GUI Edit Online -> Changed objects are not indexed.



This blog will be maintained with time and more scenarios will be added. It is apricated that you can share your own problem in comment so that we can help each other.