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We are happy to announce the General Availability of SAP Cloud Platform Alert Notification service.

Alert Notification is an SAP Cloud Platform based service which provides you with the ability to instantly understand whenever there’s an issue with your cloud application or its dependencies. Furthermore, it is notifying you via any channel of alert management you like – no matter if this is mail, some corporate chat (like Slack), ticketing system or even SAP Solution Manager or Focused Run for SAP Solution Manager.

Alert Notification provides you with a catalogue of alerts which are coming from different SAP Cloud Platform services, as well with the ability to provide your custom alerts coming right out of cloud your solution. Alert Notification works for both Cloud Foundry and Neo environments and provides you with a standard model for them. That means that your experience in using Alert Notification is the same no matter which environment you use. Furthermore, if you decide to migrate your alerts from one place to another, AN provides you with the needed functionality to do that without hassle.


The idea of this post

The idea behind this particular blog post is to be the gateway and your guide to the different scenarios that you can cover with Alert Notification. The amount with links in the blog is going to grow in time, feel free to follow it.

Of course, for even more detailed information about Alert Notification, you can refer to the official documentation of the service.


Tutorials and Details

Alert Notification Explained

To explain Alert Notification, let's take an example.

In the example below, we have a hybrid landscape. We have an on-premise landscape, a Cloud Platform based solution, which consists of a couple of modules written in different languages and a database. Besides, we have a couple of CP services which are used either by your Cloud Platform solution directly by your on-premise landscape. All of them are running either on Cloud Foundry or Neo environments.

So the question here is how do you understand if something happens with your solution or the cloud services you are using? What if your application has a performance issue? Or the connectivity to some of the services is down? Or if you have some database issue?


This is the place where Alert Notification helps you. It enables you to receive all kinds of alerts about your cloud application or its dependent services.

Note - Alert Notification does not produce any alerts on its own. It acts like a proxy to which different applications and services are sending alerts.  Alert Notification provides you with a catalogue, depending on the environment with which you are working. This catalogue of alerts is going to grow over time and adopt as many Cloud Platform services as possible, regardless of the environment.






We have divided the tutorials into two categories. General - guidance and best practices for more broad scenarios. Specific - these scenarios coming directly from customer feedback.


Consuming the service - learn how to subscribe for Alert Notification

Basic examples for Neo Environment - Learn how to quickly bootstrap with different types of alerts on Cloud Platform Neo.

Custom Alerts for your SAP Cloud Platform Solution - Custom alerts give you much flexibility and might boost your operations processes massively.


Integration with Solution Manager/Focused Run

SAP Cloud Platform Alert Notification – receive alerts from Dynatrace

Your HTML5 application is not available? Get Notified about that with SAP Cloud Platform Alert Notif...

Notifications from SAP Cloud Platform API Management - Part 1; Part 2

Notifications from AWS to SAP Cloud Platform Alert Notification

Notifications from GCP to SAP Cloud Platform Alert Notification

Receive Notifications for Failed SAP Cloud Platform Integration Flows via Any Channel with Alert Not...

Neo Start/Stop Alerts

MS Teams Integration

Automatic Alert Remediation with Alert Notification, Automation Pilot and ServiceNow


We are offering Alert Notification in a consumption-based pricing model.
In terms of metering, we are not charging for platform alerts; the subscription of one package covers them. Also, consumer API calls that don’t deliver any billable alert are not charged per usage either. Instead, we charge consumer API calls that deliver at least one billable alert and all other events (alerts and exceptions).

The price of a single package is 1,25 EUR per 1000 outbound API calls per month.

You can pay with Cloud Credits; you can use Cloud Credits for all SAP Cloud Platform services offered in this pricing model.

For further information, please check the pricing page of the SAP Cloud Platform. Alert Notification is available in the DevOps area.
Active Contributor
Thanks for the blog. Not available in trial for trying out?
Active Participant
Dear Nabheet,

thank you for your comment.

We are working towards the availability of Alert Notification on trial.

Currently, it is not available, we will have a roll-out once the service is available on trial.




I was exactly looking for same answer. Thank you for asking Nabheet ?

Active Participant
nabheet.madan3 nilpeksen

SAP Cloud Plattform Alert Notification is now available on Cloud Foundry trial landscape. Feel free to explore it ?

Blog post will follow soon

0 Kudos
Great news! Thanks 🙂
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Kiril - nice blog series, thanks.  For SAP Cloud Platform based alerts, does the alert need to be created from the same subaccount?  Could an alert created in one subaccount be consumed by the Alert Notification Service in another?
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Britt,

thanks for the comment. The alert should be created from one and the same subaccounts. As an exception, if one uses custom alerts she can forward those to another instance of Alert Notification.

We are getting this question from customers and partners as well and we are considering options.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hi Kiril –

It won’t be an issue once Alert Notification service is rolled out more broadly, hopefully that’s planned to occur quickly (especially to US- Sterling and US-Chandler)!

Active Participant
0 Kudos
Hi Britt,


The Alert Notification is a Cloud Foundry deployment (although it serves the needs for CF and Neo).

It is currently available on:

  • Europe Rot and Frankfurt

  • US East (VA)

  • Japan (Tokyo)

We are entirely driven by customer demand.
0 Kudos
Hi Kiril,

Very good article! I was wondering to know how to setup the HANA 2.0 alerts and consume it in Focused Run (item 4 from your diagram). Could you share some article or documentation about it?


Fabiano Rosa
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Dear Fabiano,

thank you for getting in touch and sorry for the belated reply there were public holidays in my country 🙂

Now for focused run/solution manager integration, you can check this blog post -

For HANA 2.0 at the moment we do not support out-of-the-box integration, however you can check this interesting blog post from one of our customers:


In case of any questions don't hesitate to get in touch
0 Kudos
Dear Kiril,

we are using Job Scheduler and are missing the alerting functionality. I read that there should be an integration with Alert Notification in the future. Any info on this? A Job Scheduler without notifications is kinda missing the point.

Thanks and best regards,

Active Participant
0 Kudos
Dear Tobias,

thanks for getting in touch. We are currently in discussion with the dev team how to provide those. I will keep you posted. If you want we can get in touch personally - just drop me an email at k.gavrailov at sap dot com
0 Kudos
Hi Kiril,

Do we have Job Scheduler monitoring capability available now?


Hitesh Kumar
Active Participant
0 Kudos
Dear Hitesh,

unfortunately not yet. We are currently planning to release a roadmap when this is going to be available.


0 Kudos
Hi Kiril,

Thanks for the information on Alert Notification service. Is there a blog that explains the steps needed to integrate application events (such as application_crash) in cloud foundry environment with alert notification service?

I have gone through the help documentation. While it talks about using the event producer and consumer APIs in custom applications, but it does not mention steps to consume audit application events from the platform in the Alert notification service.

Your guidance will be much appreciated.


Nishant Kathuria
0 Kudos
Hello dear Nishant Kathuria,

in order to receive alerts & notifications for CF app audit events you only need to complete the steps described in this document. As soon as this is taken care of you can directly subscribe to any of the available event types (see: "Creating Subscriptions").

Best Regards,
0 Kudos
Thanks very much Martin, I did not realize that adding a sap email as a Space auditor will be sufficient. So, behind the scenes, are these ids configured to call the producer apis of Alert Notification service?

Best Regards

Nishant Kathuria
Hello dear Nishant Kathuria,

the mechanics of this setup are a bit different. In the context of the app audit events the Alert Notification Producer API is never used whatsoever.

Best Regards,
0 Kudos
Hello Kiril,


is the service available for SAP Cloud-based products like SAC and DwC ? Is it able to at least connect to the underlying HANA Cloud that hosts the services ?




Luiz Roberto