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On behalf of the SAP GUI team, I am delighted to announce that SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 will be released on October 8th. This release offers the following new features:

  • SAP Blue Crystal Theme

SAP Blue Crystal is a new visual design theme which succeeds Corbu. It is the standard theme of Fiori applications and has been adapted to the specific needs of SAP GUI. Furthermore, it is fully compatible with the previous themes and comes with a new color palette and icons which are better scalable. The background texture has a stroke pattern in white and light blue with a gradient layer. The picture below shows the new Blue Crystal theme in comparison to the Signature theme which is still the default for SAP GUI for Windows:

  • SAP NetWeaver Business Client Integration

As of SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) 5.0, which is delivered on the SAP GUI DVD, SAP GUI for Windows can be embedded into the NWBC, so that the user has one shell that unifies multiple frontends. One desktop/taskbar icon consolidates NWBC and SAP GUI sessions, tasks, frequently used links etc. in a tabbed view NWBC frame as shown in the picture below.

For the integration, you simply install SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 together with the SAP NetWeaver Business Client (NWBC) 5.0.  This has the following advantages:

    • Easier Configuration: The persisted connection and connection configuration data from SAP GUI for Windows, SAP GUI for Java and NWBC is unified in a modern and easy way:

        • There are only two configuration files involved and they are stored in the same directory.

        • Configuration files can either be stored locally or on a central server or share.

        • Deployment options “pull” and “push” are available.

        • The configuration files are the same for SAP GUI for Windows, SAP GUI for Java and NWBC.

This new format is called “SAP UI Landscape”.

    • Automatic Data Migration: If SAP GUI has been used already, the connection data will be migrated automatically into the SAP UI Landscape format.

    • Embedded and Parallel Use of SAP GUI: When SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 is installed together with NWBC, by default, SAP GUI and SAP GUI Shortcuts will be launched through NWBC. However, you have also the possibility to use SAP GUI and NWBC in parallel. To do so, you merely have so select the new component Install SAP GUI Desktop Icon / Shortcuts even though NWBC is installed to install the SAP Logon (Pad) Desktop Icon and to register SAP GUI shortcuts to SAP Logon.

Note: At the moment, these new configuration features are only available when using SAP GUI together with NWBC. However, in the long run, this procedure will become the default for all SAP GUI installation and configuration scenarios.

Thus, with SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 you have the option to either run SAP GUI standalone with the old configuration files (fully compatible to SAP GUI for Windows 7.30) or run SAP GUI embedded into NWBC with the new SAP UI Landscape format.

  • Installation Improvement

Registry values can now be set on installation package level, for example, for the following SAP GUI options:

    • Accessibility

    • Path to the SAP GUI branding image

    • Path to the Central Configuration File (new and old format)

    • SAP GUI Theme

You will find the whole list on the package configuration tab in NWSAPSetup.

  • SAP Screenreader Extensions

SAP GUI Screen Reader Extensions (SRX) are now part of the SAP GUI for Windows installation, see note 1139953.

SRX enable the use of SAP GUI together with the screen reader program Jaws for Windows. The Extensions are Jaws-based scripts that make the SAP GUI accessible via the SAP GUI object model.

And finally a few remarks on the supported plattforms as well as on the support and maintenance strategy:

  • Windows XP and Windows 2003 Server are not supported.

  • Blue Crystal can be used as of Windows 7 (not on Vista and Windows 2008 Server).

  • End of support of SAP GUI for Windows 7.30 is on October 31st, 2015 (see note 147519). As of July 15, 2015 the support will already be „limited“.

  • SAP GUI for Windows 7.40 is compatible and will be maintained until January 9, 2018.

  • We urgently recommend to start planning upgrades to 7.40.

0 Kudos



See u 8th Oct.

Former Member

That's nice. Hope to see tabbed view not only in NWBC but also in SAP GUI in the future. Even though UI5 is a trend...

Active Participant

Very true, yet if you think about it, probably 99% of the SAP users are still hooked on SAPGUI. And even though UI5 is very cool and is indeed a trend, it will still not replace the classical Dynpro anytime soon. It might be high-tech and user friendly, but at the end of the day, people use SAP for business purposes.

Former Member

And SAP GUI for java?! When?!?!

The delivery is planned for December 2014.


Good Info, Great...To...Hear....

SAP GUI with "Theme Of FIORI"....

Former Member

Any word on the SAPGUI installation tool with version 7.40? Will there be an upgrade/improvements with that tool?

Active Contributor

Cool.  Any plans for tabbed GUI windows for us cavemen who still use SAPGUI and not NWBC? 


The blue chrystal theme looks nice. It's always good to have a fresh look from time to time. I also hope for a tabbed view. Can it be done with NWBC using only SAPGUI tabs?

Former Member

Wow! Sap Community urges for tabbed view!

Former Member

And business users dont deserve a nice looking interface ?


When we have the very people who are meant to be pushing this tech, moving with the times, holding us back with DynPro.


All Hail the battleship grey interface, its worked for 25 years so why change it now. Just because something works doesnt mean you shouldn't try and improve it.


Like it or not the world is evolving and end users arent just your technical specialists anymore. The more people use tech in there daily lives the more those same people will expect a consumer level of interaction, design and usability, in the business applications they use everyday. With comments like yours above you are failing to move with the times and if SAP isn't careful it is completely possible that its competition will move forwards and possibly even surpass us whilst we are standing still and the tech is evolving. (case in point is the WorkDay HR app)


Coming soon - Rise of the Fiorier


Greatest... See u tomorrow!!!!


Where's the download link?


Hi All,



download from here -> SAP GUI FOR WINDOWS 7.40 CORE.



I strongly advise to backup current configuration before upgrade. Folders:



Also it's better to first install it using e.g. Sandboxie, or other similar sandboxing/virtualization software. Then there's no need to revert back using complicated uninstall/install procedure, or loose your current settings.

It looks like there's to many problems with this relase, but too litle new things. At the moment I suggest to stay at v7.30 for productive work, and if you want then try new version only on virtualized environment.

Also trying to find sime kind of strange workarounds for SAP problems with basics is in this stage only waste of time, as they might not work after SAP decide to "fix" things


I've tried new Blue Crystal Theme. But personally I really don't like new icon set. Lack colors, really hard to recognize meaning, strange shapes. It's not well designed theme from productive and practical point of view. Maybe for ocassional use it's kind of acceptable. So for now I'm sticking with Corbu Theme. But who knows,maybe I'll give it one more shot later.

Also NWBC broke my SAP Logon connections/shortcuts configurations a little bit, and was not able to determine system IDs from previous files of SAP GUI v7.30. Also SAP router is not working. So before update it's advisable to backup your current settings (what we should do on every update I think). Also language is forced to system regional settings, which I don't like much (but maybe I missed some hidden setting ?). I think it needs more work to be done before we can use it on daily basis. Once it'll be fine, tabbed use will be good benefit. Also there's problem with ini file defined as paramter in shortcut. So I think it's best NOT to install NWBC for now! It's buggy. Also I don't understand why on every start NWBC tries to access HTTP. Not reason to do so.

My custom configuration of ABAP code colors from file "C:\Users\<system_username>\AppData\Roaming\SAP\SAP GUI\ABAP Editor\abap_spec.xml" was updated, but ignored my settings . So I manually edited and set it according to my backup file.

More work and problems with this initial release than profit. It looks like no one even bothered to test basics before release. Buggy.

0 Kudos

Many thanks!

0 Kudos

Installed new SAPGUI just now.... ì agree to the Tomas comment that Crystal is too lazy for the productive day - by -day work.

Direct connection works , but doen't work any logon group connection .

error :

error parsing SAPGUI command line ' /FULLMENU SANC_PARTNERNAME="" SNC_QOP=-1 /UPDOWNLOAD_CP=2'

i think is related to the particular sapgui invocation of the logon groups :

for example




Former Member
0 Kudos

Bug in 7.40. It's cant read SYSTEM_ID from saplogon.ini from previous version (and password in shortcut too). And it does not save SYSTEM_ID  if write one to connection manually. Waiting Patch level 1.

Former Member
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With systems of Release ECC 6.0 no EHP I and a colleague of mine experienced a bug in the ABAP editor not color highlighting anything (e.g. keywords, comments...). Also especially in these systems the GUI crushed regularly.


Other releases I have checked (EH6 & EH7 with NW 740) worked stable without issues.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Melanie,

"Path to the Central Configuration File (new and old format)"

Where can I find information about the new format?

Just installed SAPGUI 7.40 and noticed that this doesn't work anymore.



0 Kudos

No issues for me so far.

0 Kudos

Hi Peter,


Does this info. useful?

Path: C:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\SAP\Common

0 Kudos

I can still see it via SAP Gui options - SAP Logon Options - Local Configuration Files.

No Idea about new format

Former Member
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I'm on Windows 7, but the Blue Crystal Design is not available??

Active Contributor
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Hi Cind Q,

Thanks, only partially. I can check the new files SAPUILandscapeGlobal.xml and SAPUILandscape.xml, but would be good to know how the "Service uuid" is generated for example.

I also noticed that I have funny syntax highlighting in the ABAP editor, when I use the new ABAP front-end-editor setting. Even when I display SAP standard programs:


Active Contributor
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I'm also on Win7, but it was available. Very first one on the list.

Former Member
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I have this error too , any idea to solve it? it's very annoying

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I guess wait for patch 1 is the only option (or go back to 7.30).

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Some extra info. We already used the "Server configuration files" option with 7.30.

After upgrade to 7.40 my local very old files were converted, but how to convert the ones on the server?

Only option I can think of is to maintain locally the files and do the 7.40 upgrade there and use that files. Or there is an option to force the conversion for the files on the server?

Former Member
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I totally uninstalled SAP, cleaned the registry and program files and then reinstalled and all is now fine. It was down to restrictions that were made using our installation server!

0 Kudos

Saprouter string not imported from saplogon.ini and doesn't work at all when added manually.

It is very bad, that SAPLOGIN_INI_FILE environment doesn't work in 740.

0 Kudos

Any ideas how to get an administration manual...?

0 Kudos

Sure - find all docs in DOCS folder in installation DVD :wink:

0 Kudos

Update changed file where editor settings are stored -> "C:\Users\<system_username>\AppData\Roaming\SAP\SAP GUI\ABAP Editor\abap_spec.xml". It added few lines, but completely ignored custom settings(color setting etc.). I manually compared and edited it using my backup version. I don't think there's easier solution.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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It does some mess in my configuration file. I can login but after closing NWBC my message server is cleared in logon configuration. I have to open Logon Pad and re-enter it 😕

0 Kudos

Have the same bug too. We have to wait for Patch 1 or Hotfix 1 I think. Let's see if it's too annoying and I go back before to 7.30 or not.

Former Member
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I have raised an OSS for this as It stops me gaining access to my Production system using the GUI if I have NWBC open

0 Kudos

It is a very buggy release.

  • Half of the source code is marked with a red font-color and auto complete did not work
  • The extended editor did not working on older releases.
  • many gui crashes
  • BlueCrystalTheme ... in my opinion very ugly
Active Participant
0 Kudos

I'm afraid you didn't really understand what I said. Of course a Fiori App is much nicer (both from a programming- and a user-perspective), but that's from our perspective (as SAP specialists). In order for an organization to start a big and expensive project like switching the user interface from Dynpro to UI5/Fiori, it needs a proper reason. And from my experience, the majority of end-users are not really excited to learn how to use new apps, especially if they provide the same functionality... It's a paradox :smile:

0 Kudos

I use software in the enterprise to track application installation and versioning across the company. My complaint with this SAP GUI install is that it doesn't reset the patch level in Programs and Features in Windows (Windows 7, specifically).

In this screenshot, I had come from SAP GUI for Win 7.30 Patch level 10. On another machine, I came from Patch level 8, and that is reflected in the Programs and Features of that machine.

Active Contributor
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I, like many people on this page, am a glutton for punishment, and so naturally I installed the 740 GUI the instant it was released.

The question is, am I so curious about new things that I would install something that obviously was going to be crawling with bugs and would fall over all the time, just to see what it was like. Was I willing to endure three months of agony until the first patch came out to fix the more obvious problems and another three months until the GUi was realatively stable?

Well, yes I am, I am prepared to go through this, so I downloaded the new GUI and switched the theme to "blue crystal".

As mentioned above, if your SAP system details are stored on a server then they vanish on the logon pad, so that is not a good start. I had to beg the system details off my poor old technologically backwards colleagues with their archaic 720 GUIS before I could even log into my shiny new SAP system.

It was clear to me that whoever designed the ICONS and the look and feel of the "blue crystal" theme had been taking an awful lot of LSD. I did some background checking and found that the head designer was in fact Dylan the Rabbit from "The Magic Roundabout". He said to me "wow man, that blue crystal is so hip, all those groovy colours, the colours in my head, the music in my mind that no-one else can hear, the magic mushrooms that I eat, they all inspired my design". So that clears that up.

As someone else noted the syntax check in the ABAP editor has colours all over the place. It has not yet crashed, but I have only been programming for a few minutes, so I imagine it will before the day is out, all previous beta versionof SAP GUIs like this I have installed as soon as they came out crashed a lot.

As the ICONS are just different enoiugh to throw someone totally, I am now looking forward to someone coming over to me and trying to demonstrate something to me on my machine, and watching them flounder when they are unable to work out what button to press.

Still as I said at the start I cannot complain - I have entered this House of Dracula of my own free will by downloading the 740 GUI, thus implicitlly volunteering as a beta tester. I, like everyone else on this page, will keep reporting any other bugs I find, so that in about six months time when the 740 GUI gets to about patch level 3 it will be fit for productive use.

Cheersy Cheers


0 Kudos

Agree with you, Alex.

And I've back to 7.30 yet, yesterday. (Wait for Hotfix 1...)

Active Contributor
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I also checked, but surprisingly I don't have this issue.

However I cannot uninstall SAP NWBC 4.0. When I click on uninstall it starts the Uninstaller for version 5.0, which currently I don't want to uninstall.

Active Contributor
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"It was clear to me that whoever designed the ICONS and the look and feel of the "blue crystal" theme had been taking an awful lot of LSD."

:lol: :lol: :lol: You made my day.

I found also very strange, that the new theme is available for SAPGUI, but NWBC has still the Corbu by default.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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NWBC copies my entry used for logging in - now I have about 15 copies of my connection in configuration file.

Former Member
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I have this issue I found that deleting the old NWBC configuration from your AppData directory and deleting the SAPUILandscape.xml and starting from scratch resolves this issue.

It is supposed to migrate it but it doesn't work very well, I have found there seems to be a total lack of documentation in relation to the new Unified SAP Landscape so I have just about got my head around the new XMLs and how they have replaced the NWBC config, SAP GUI logon ini and the services files. The "Workspaces" and now used on both the GUI and NWBC.

Former Member
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HI All,

When i am trying to press back button after testing RFC in SM59 GUi hangs.

I tried by pressing back button as well as by shortcut F3.

Anyone else is facing similar issue?



Former Member
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It's a bit disappointing to see that SAP GUI 7.40 still doesn't handle High Resolution/High DPI screens correctly :sad: ... unless I am missing something (very possible), it seems to do just as bad a job as 7.30. Can anyone confirm?

Former Member
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We've tried it on a hi-def windows 8 laptop and on a 4K screen and found that 7.40 / NWBC 5 worked absolutely fine.

Former Member
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Thanks for responding Michael, in that case I have probably missed something. Running it on a MBP with retina display isn't working well for me, I just can't seem to get it to scale correctly.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

OK I have really tried to use NWBC but I gave up.

1. Mess with my configuration entries: NWBC deletes my Message Server from a Group entry type in SAP Logon, also copies entries (NWBC connections) - today I have already 18 entries of my NWBC connection. Clean install (deleted registry entries&app data) does not help.

2. With option "Use SAP Menu" I have messages about invalid nodes, refreshing etc.

3. Sometimes it just does not login when I'm using SAP Logon connection.

4. Crashes i.e. when I am connected to NWBC connection and I'm trying to switch to SAP Logon connection

5. Sometimes index page does not show frequently used transactions, last opened etc.