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Former Member

Hi Folks,

Yesterday I have read about XPI Inspector and have used it for the first time. I have found this very interesting. Although many of you may be aware of it but also I feel there are many people who may not be aware of this. So I thought I would share few points I learnt.

To start with, XPI Inspector is basically a tool developed by SAP which is a web application  for collecting information about XI-related configurations and traces.

The tool also performs  certain number of configuration checks, such as SSL client/server verification.

Which checks are executed depends on the selected example or the type and properties of the selected XI communication channels

The tool does not do any configuration changes on the system. All collected information is saved on the file system of the central Java instance and is available for review.

Note that in order to perform some checks, such as verification of SSL client connections, the tool automatically opens a dummy https or ftps connection to the remote ssl server

Several additional general options are available for selection:

1. Collect debug traces from Messaging System

2. Collect debug trace from XI Module Processor

3. Collect HTTP Traces

4. Collect Open SQL Traces

5. Collect JCo Traces

6. Collect information about the system state.

Download the file named "xpi_inspector_ear.ear" from the sap marketplace.
Deploy the tool on the XI Adapter Engine which you would like to inspect. Note that if you download the file from the web version  that the extension of the file could be changed from EAR to ZIP. In this case you have to rename it again right after download from ZIP to EAR.
To deploy on 6.40 or 7.00 server version use SDM.
To deploy on 7.10 or above server versions use one of the following options:

    • Deploy View Plug-in from SAP NWDS.
    • Telnet command: deploy <xpi_inspector_ear.ear file path> version_rule=all
    • JSPM tool

Open a new browser window and load the "XPI Inspector" by using the following url address: http(s)://<host>:<port>/xpi_inspector
The recommended browser is Microsoft IE.

You will need administrator's credentials to access the XPI Inspector.
Select the example to use. SAP shall inform you in advance which example you need.
Follow all the instructions displayed on the screen.
Basically, you need to perform the following three steps:

    1. Select the example and start the inspection.
    2. Reproduce the problem and stop the inspection right after the problem occurs.
    3. Download the zip file generated by the tool and attach the zip file to the CSS message.

SAP will continue to extend the set of automatic checks performed by the tool and will update the version of the tool in this note accordingly.
You can check the version of the tool already deployed on your system by using "About" dialog in the UI.
In case of problems send a notification e-mail to the author by using the link inside the same dialog.

List of examples available for use:
  Example 1   (CPA Cache)
  Example 11  (Authentication & SSL)
  Example 18  (RWB)
  Example 19  (Mapping Runtime)
  Example 30  (XI Adapter)
  Example 40  (XI Message)
  Example 50  (XI Channel)
  Example 51  (Performance Problem)
  Example 52  (Authorization & Session Management)
  Example 60  (JEE Service)
  Example 70  (JEE Application)
  Example 80  (Default Trace)
  Example 100 (Custom)

Hope  this helps.



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0 Kudos

@Michal Krawczyk has a similar article where I also posted this question, but no answer so far.

I'm having 403 error when trying to access it for the 1st time, even trying with PISUPER id which for sure has all required Admin roles.

"You are not authorized to view the requested resource."

Should there be a service to be activated in SICF for such tool?

Also, is there a way to validate if the deploy was successfully done?


Rafael Vieira.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Rafael - Did you add the the UME role "Administrator" on the java stack(http://host:port/useradmin)

Active Participant
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My user has this one assigned to it. I think I'll have to compare with another user, since yesterday I saw that Basis guy's user has access to it (so, yes, I could validate that the EAR deploy was successfully done).

Which other role should I check to access it?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

how to undeploy with telnet console ??

undeploy ....... ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Amarnath,

Do you have the system requirements for XPI_INSPECTOR?

And where exactly (folder) is it deployed?

Thanks for a quick reply.



Former Member
0 Kudos

undeploy name=”XPI Inspector App”

SAP Note: 2010715

0 Kudos

Dear Amarnath

Thanks for sharing this article. Every time we start XPI_inspector it is coming with menu screen (home screen) and after stating the trace the it should come back to home screen. but in my case it is not coming back and every time i reopen it shows the previous running trace being captured and shows me screen to stop it. Even if we stop and click on Go back to Start page it is not being taken to home screen. Did any one faced this issue before.




Dear Rafael,

Workaround found under this link.


0 Kudos

Hi Trident,

Could you resolve this issue. We are facing the same problem.

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