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Yesterday SAP conducted this session for ASUG.  Some brief notes, a subset of Q&A along with links are shown below.   As usual, anything in the future is subject to change.

Special thanks to orla.cullen tunirkapil meganhoy olivier.duvelleroy for supporting ASUG

Strategic Direction of SAP Analytics Cloud

Figure 1: Source: SAP

Usability issues in the past

True end to end experience

Refactor app

Integration of app design and digital board room as a single asset

Figure 2: Source: SAP

Today, have 2 experiences

Which one to use?

Start using optimized experience

Eventually classic will be deprecated

Usability and design time improvement with optimized experience

Innovation with optimized experience


Delivered Improvements in SAP Analytics Cloud

Figure 3: Source: SAP

Usability and improvements

Requesting information as requested


Figure 4: Source: SAP

Active viewport rendering

Only render what is viewable to you

Q: What are the limitations of optimized story experience comparing to the classic one ?

Answers are in the following slides


Figure 5: Source: SAP

Long list of usability improvements

Figure 6: Source: SAP

Improvements to filters


Figure 7: Source: SAP

Feature gaps that are being closed

Blue - an improvement to existing functionality

Pink/purple - net new functionality

Figure 8: Source: SAP

Subject to change at any time

Planned feature parity with Q2/QRC 2023

Figure 9: Source: SAP

Deprecated features; alternative features

Paused - based on usage tracking, these features are not used as much

Paused - open for conversation

BI Popularity Service - acquired askData, will introduce that to SAC

For more ideas go to



Q: Are there any plans to integrate ESRI maps into SAC for greater GeoMap functionalities?

A: Map provider is ESRI, additional functionality, plans to update to latest Esri, 4.x, will be exposed to additional functionality

If you want more functionality wanted, use influence portal


Q: How do hierarchies work with book/unbooked members? can we persist a preference?

A: Good question; by default all filters have the cascading effect applied

Remove/hide any value that doesn't have a booked node

Q: When we export the Story to pdf , can it export the entire story instead of just what's visible on screen?

A: The export story to PDF should export everything on dashboard

If have a large visualization with a scroll bar, because based on real estate, may not be able to dynamically resize visualization

Q: When is story 2.0?

A: App design integration into optimized story experience, planned for Q1 next year


For SAP TechEd next month: SAP Analytics Solutions: Road Map and Strategy [DA102]


SAP TechEd Next month:  The Future of Data Management and Data Warehousing [DA110]


Accelerate Time to Value with Prebuilt Content [DA203] (SAP TechEd Session)


Community Release Notes:


ASUG session 10/27 Business Technology Platform (BTP) Community Alliance October Town Hall


Join Peter Chen next month for Stericycle's Cloud First Strategy "In this session, we will focus on the practical experience of SAP S/4HANA BYOL to AWS and SaaS analytics through SAC and DWC."
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