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SAP has released version 2024.10 of SAP Datasphere. Enhancements in administration, data integration, data marketplace and data modeling.

There are 3 data integration, 2 data modeling, 1 administration, and 1 data marketplace enhancements in version 2024.10 of SAP Datasphere.



TuncayKaraca_0-1715262414325.jpegPhoto by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

1 For resilience purposes, we are now limiting the maximum CPU resources for workload generated by spaces, user group users and agent users to 80%. The remaining 20% of CPU resources are reserved to ensure that the system can respond under heavy load.

You can now configure the total amount of threads that each space can consume up to a maximum of 100% of this 80% of the threads available in your tenant.

Also, statements are now queued when the CPU usage reaches 90% (instead of 80%) of the database capacity. This value, which you cannot change, applies to all spaces, including spaces created before this version. Set a Priority and Statement Limits for a Space

It’s all about how you manage resources in Space Management > Workload Management. Good luck!

The ADMISSION CONTROL QUEUE CPU THRESHOLD parameter is set to 90% and cannot be changed.

The TOTAL STATEMENT MEMORY LIMIT parameter is set to 80% by default. You can change it by entering the maximum number (or percentage) of GBs of memory that concurrently executing statements can consume in the space.


Data Integration

TuncayKaraca_1-1715262414227.jpegPhoto by Manuel Mnvx on Unsplash

1 For transformation flows, if the source table is not a delta capture table, you can now switch delta capture on for the target table. The system adds the delta capture columns Change Date and Change Type to the target table. Add or Create a Target Table

It’s a handy addition to the transformation flows. Yes, if the source table is not a delta, then the default value of the Delta Capture property for the target table is Off. Now you can enable delta capture and add delta capture columns Change Date and Change Type to the target table.

2 If email notification is set up for a task chain, you’ll now receive email notifications if an error occurs during initialization or preparation to run the task chain, before the task chain run actually starts. Creating a Task Chain

You can now set up email notifications when task chains are completed. These options are available:

  • Send email notification only if the run failed.
  • Send email notification only when the run completes successfully.
  • Send email notification when the run completes.
SAP Datasphere — Task Chain Email Notification

3 Make your SAP Analytics Cloud stories available to the world by translating metadata from SAP Datasphere’s Translation tool. With the Translation privilege, you can access the dashboard and translate metadata such as business names and column names for dimensions and analytic models, and hierarchy dimension labels for stories to a wide range of languages. You can translate manually or via an XLIFF file, but also manage already existing translations, and update them. Translating Metadata for SAP Analytics Cloud

It’s another handy feature for multilingual environments when using SAP Datasphere with SAP Analytics Cloud stories and reports. Use the translation tool in Datasphere and translate object metadata, and your SAP Analytics Cloud story can be viewed in the language of your choice.


Data Marketplace

1 You can now duplicate existing data products. Duplicating a Data Product

It’s simple. My Data Products > Duplicate Product and make necessary changes and Save.


Data Modeling

TuncayKaraca_4-1715262414064.jpegPhoto by Josh Olalde on Unsplash

1 We have improved the user experience:

  • You can now copy existing measures to create a new measure.
  • For measures, attributes and associated dimensions there is now a Select All/Unselect All checkbox.

Thanks again for handy features!

2 The Data Preview shows only the first 1,000 rows to increase performance. You can use filters to display the data relevant to you.

Okay, that works.



  1. What’s New in SAP Datasphere May 7, 2024. Version 2024.10
  2. What’s New in SAP Datasphere Version 2024.10— May 7, 2024 at
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