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Dumps in after change of event handler type

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0 Kudos

hi experts,

have changed the customizing, so that we are using a custom event handler type. yesterday, I had event handlers created with the new Event handler type. But, at the same time, I have numerous dumps every hour related to program /SAPTRX/SAPLEH_FUNCS and /SCMTMS/SAPLEM_INTEGRATION. We have checked all our jobs, but when we run them alone, they do not dump. What else could cause these dumps every hour? I thought, it may be related to old Events being processed with the old Event handler type which was de-activated for EM. But, why would it dump and why would it re-process old events, the customizing has both the old and the new AOT and Event handler types. This Problem happens only in the Quality System and not in the development System.

Can someone kindly give me a hint?



0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

how did you solve it?



Accepted Solutions (1)

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Active Participant

Hi Steffen,

thx for your fast reply.

This is a screenshot of the dumps. The detailed dump is very Long. Which one do you want and which Detail?

thx a lot for your help.


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Yes, it is a Duplicate Insert as a assumed.

Somewhere in the dump the table should be mentioned where the dump ocuured.

Search for /SAPTRX/EH in ST22 in the dump.

Best regards,


Active Participant
0 Kudos

thx again. The table Name is /SAPTRX_EH_TASK. Can you kindly tell me what can I do to stop the dumps?

The Tasks are the same between the 2 Event handlers because I had assigned a custom rule set to the Standard Event handler (Initially, I wanted to use as much Standard as possible, but I needed custom tasks) and now that I use custom Event handlers, I Need to put back the Standard in. I will put back the Standard rule set into the Standard Event handlers. But, I still do not understand why it is processed every hour. Have you got an idea?



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

the the counter LAST_TASK_NBR in table /SAPTRX/EH_HDR is not in sync with the entries in table /SAPTRX/EH_TASK.

In this note

2021795 - Inconsistencies due to manually reprocessing Event Handlers

you can find a report to correct the inconsistencies. But i don't think you are manually reprocessing EHs. To find the root is difficult in this case. The report only corrects existing inconsistencies.

Do you have any special rules in your rule set? Or do you manually update any EH tables?

Intermediate solution could be to switch off Task logging. This can be done by removing the flag in any rule:

Best regards,


Active Participant
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thx. we are coding the report that is suggested in the note provided by you and we change back the standard event handlers. Then, we will transfer the report to quality and run it there.

One question. It says, "inconsistencies because of manual processing of the Event handler". I have used transaction /SAPTRX/EH_CREATE to create one event handler to see if every thing is set up correctly. Could this have caused the inconsistency and coudl I delete the manual event handler to get rid of it?

Thanks again for your help on this. We are very relieved that we have got help on these dumps.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

no the manually created EH is not the problem.

The problem comes when you process Event Messages and then for some reasons the TASK table gets out of sync with the counter in the EH Header.

You should check in the dumps if only /SAPTR/EH_TASK is affected.

Best regards,


Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Steffen,

we have coded the report from the note suggested, but the dumps still happen. The Report is for table /SAPTRX/EH_LIST and we have a Problem with table /SAPTRX/EH_TASK.

Can we adjust the Report for table /SAPTRX/EH_TASK?

What elese can we do to get rid of teh inconsistent entries in this table? Which ones are inconsistent?

Thanks iso much for further help.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

the report should correct all possibly affected tables:

Here the check for the EH_TASK table:

FORM check_for_incon  CHANGING p_is_incon TYPE c

                               p_eh_hdr TYPE /saptrx/eh_hdr.

  DATA l_seq_nbr TYPE /saptrx/sequence_nbr.

  CLEAR p_is_incon.

  SELECT MAX( task_nbr ) FROM /saptrx/eh_task INTO l_seq_nbr

    WHERE eh_guid = p_eh_hdr-eh_guid.

  IF p_eh_hdr-last_task_nbr <> l_seq_nbr.

    p_is_incon = 'X'.

    p_eh_hdr-last_task_nbr = l_seq_nbr.


If you have the EH_GUID where it dumps you could also correct it manually if it is only one EH.

/SAPTRX/EH_HDR-last_task_nbr must have the number of entries in table /SAPTRXEH_TASK for the according EH_GUID.

Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

"The Tasks are the same between the 2 Event handlers because I had assigned a custom rule set to the Standard Event handler (Initially, I wanted to use as much Standard as possible, but I needed custom tasks) and now that I use custom Event handlers, I Need to put back the Standard in. I will put back the Standard rule set into the Standard Event handlers. But, I still do not understand why it is processed every hour. Have you got an idea?"

1. If you see it is exactly processing every hour, then check /SAPTRX/EE_MONITOR or /SAPTRX/EE_MONITOR_PACK or EE Monitor Advance program is running in the background.  If yes, then it would cause this issue.

Go to Expected Events -> Define Activities for the Expected Event Monitor -> Multitask EE Monitor Activities -> can you switch off for standard and custom event handler task config.

2. If you want to achieve this activity still using two event handlers to one task upon creation /update of event handler, then go to Event Handlers and Event Handler Data -> Event Handlers -> Define Activities for Updating Event Handlers -> Multitask EH Update Activities -> config here.

Check and let me know.



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have de-activated the logs in EM. This has helped together with the Report. We have no more dumps. Thanks so much.

Strange enough, I can still see the detail of each Task in the Event handler. If I had known this, I would have de-activated the logs earlier. I thought I would not see any details on the tasks executed any more. But, I still see every thing.

Thanks so much !



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Petra,

Task logs created from three areas configuration:

1. IMG -> Event Management -> Event Handlers and Event Handler Data -> Event Handlers -> Define Activities for Updating Event Handlers -> Multitask EH Update Activities -> Select your multitask and deactivate Log task.

2. IMG -> Event Management -> Event Handlers and Event Handler Data -> Expected Events -> Define Activities for the Expected Event Monitor -> Multitask EE Monitor Activities -> Select your multitask and deactivate Log task.

3. IMG -> Event Management -> Event Handlers and Event Handler Data -> Reactions to Event Messages -> Define Rule Sets -> Multitask Activities -> Select your multitask and deactivate Log task.

Check and let me know.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Petra,

could you post the exact dump best would be a screenshot?

Are these dumpy in function module /SAPTRX/EH_UPDATE and duplicate inserts?

Then you should check in the dump for which EH* Table thye occur.

Best regards,
