This is a collection of information for experts to help finding root cause by debugging the Deteiled Scheduling Planning Board, transaction /SAPAPO/CDPS0
Tips & Tricks
•In DS Planning Board enter ok-code 'break' to reach the Break-Point in Form USER_COMMAND, Function Group /SAPAPO/CDPS_PRESENTATION.
•In the ok-code field you can enter a global-table-name, to view the according table. Some Possible tables see under.
•To enable UNDO after running a DS-Heuristic set global variable g_undo_heu (/SAPAPO/CDPS_PRESENTATION) to 'X'
Predefined Break-Points (Transaction SAAB)
•/SAPAPO/CDPS_GRAPH - Graphic Functions for the DS Planning Board
•/SAPAPO/CDPS_GRAPHB - DS Planning Board: Determination of the Graphical Representation
•/SAPAPO/CDPS_INIT - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: Initialization
•/SAPAPO/CDPS_NETWORKCHART - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: Network Display(s)
•/SAPAPO/CDPS_PLANFKT - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: Planning Functions
•/SAPAPO/CDPS_SCHED - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: Scheduling
•/SAPAPO/CDPS_XM_ADMIN - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: XM-Layer Settings
•/SAPAPO/CDPS_XM_DATA_READ - Detailed Scheduling Planning Board: Read XM-Layer Data
Global table names for display by entering in OK-code field:
•G_CAPREQ_TAB [including change of time]
•G_CHART_OBJECT_TAB [including nested table(s) and change of time]
•G_NODE_OBJECT_TAB [including nested table(s) and change of time]
•G_OPERATION_TAB [excluding the nested table]
•G_ORDER_TAB [including nested table(s) and change of time]
•G_RESOURCE_TAB [including change of time]
•G_TIME_AXIS_TAB [including nested table(s)* and change of time]
Few Important Function Modules/Subroutines/Includes:
•Function module /SAPAPO/PRES_TOOLBAR_FILL - List of icon/buttons with details which includes the function of the button/icon, associated icon, quick info about the icon and the button type
•Include /SAPAPO/LCDPS_FUNC_DISPATCHFUC - Constants of all used function codes i.e. button/icon
•Subroutine STRATEGY_SETTINGS_SET - Associating the Strategy Profile parameter with the related Strategy
•Function module /SAPAPO/FDIS_DISPATCH_FUNCTION - performs planning functions (also used in Resource Planning Table)