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INVOICE m8 321

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Hi Masters .

My scenarie SRM/SUS Invoices .

ECC 6.0


the vendor send Invoices where into one Invoice has some items with same Po and same  Item number.


PO ... 450000023  item number 10


the confirmation or reception example two partial  example 10 each one  they are processed on Invoice number  126768...  So far, so good

the invoice come to ECC on IDOC and they are proccessed with IDOC_INPUT_INVOIC_MRM  function send the error M8 321

an idea of how to handle this error ?

Thanks on Advanced.

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Former Member
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hi. any suggestion to fix the problem.


0 Kudos

Hi Oscar,

Not sure if my answer will help you but you can have a look at note 1090663 at first.

In addition, are you using SRM-SUS or MM-SUS? Please note that the mixing of 2 scenarios is not possible. If the PO is created in SRM and transferred to SUS, then it should be SRM-SUS scenario.
In SRM-SUS scenario, all follow-on documents that you create for this PO in SUS must be transferred back to SRM and no IDOC to be transferred to MM.

Meanwhile, if you are using Extended Classic Scneario, note 543544 need to be read for the restrictions.

Former Member
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Thanks Stanley for you support.

sorry  Im was not clear,  my  scenarie is MM-SUS  on classic scenarie.

respect to note 1090663 is applicated on my system.

the purchase WEBRE is actived. any other ideas how to resolve this problem.

thanks on advanced.

0 Kudos

Hi Oscar,

As far as I know the requested functionality is not available if you are using WEBRE at the same time.

Maybe you can apply the user exit FM EXIT_SAPLMRMH_011 to summarize / merge relevant IDOC segments data for 2 or more invoice items as for one invoice item, which refer to the same PO/item.

This is more MM topic now. You can post a question in MM side to get more information.

Best Regards,

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Stanley.

I appreciate your support.

i have a doubt  suppose we implemented the  EXIT_SAPLMRMH_011 and make the merge from many items

how to know witch is  relation Invoice   with Entries Sheet  at Purchase History ?

I will raise the note in the module MM.

thanks on advanced.