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WWI PLM report generation.

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Generation of raw reports, using a report category "RECIPE", has several problems:

Parameter symbols are ignored.

Generation date is not populated in table ESTDH.

Generation logs are missing calls like this:

Initializing Word connection at 09/25/17 18:37:21
wait for semaphore
semaphore allocated
release semaphore
Closing Word connection at 09/25/17 18:37:25

Does anyone have an idea as to what could be missing?

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SAP Note 2549339 has been released.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)


Hi Christoph,
Report from template is working, yes.
I am using some custom parameter symbols but also


Yes I use CG50 and the report is viewable. I can generate a shipping order from the raw report also, but parameter symbols are never called.

Reports generated from real_subs do not have the problem. RECIPE_WUI have this problem.


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Hello Timothy

a.) how did you defined your generation variant? Which applications are assigned (MATMASTER? SUBMASTER?)

b.) what is the look and feel in cg50/cg54? Whcih "applications" are available (MATMASTER ? SUBMASTER?)

c.) what kind of customs parameter do you use? What is the "business object" (e.g. recipe data ?) to collectd data?

d.) "RECIPE" is a "report category" (based on your information). There is "no" difference in WWI handling if you use e.g. REAL_SUB, REAL_GRP or what ever spec type. WWI process is always the same. The "report category" normally is no difference as well. Still WWI process (in most cases) is the same. Bigger difference is: Set up of generation variant !

Let us focus first on CG50/CG54 and then ond "RECIPE_WUI":

In CG50/CG54 you prepare these called "Report tree". In most cases we can seperate these types of "parameter"symbols:

- Material Master related symbols

- Business partner related symbols

- special EHS symbols (refer to your list)

- others

In "report from template" process all "parameters" to be filled are shown (as you start from hit list).

Can you show the screen?

RECIPE_WUI is (according to my knowledge) related to application "Recipe Development" (refer to (sorry: german version)

Therefore: I assume you try to use this "PLM" process to collect data from "recipe" (or other Recipe related object). The "RECIPE_WUI" is an object which can have a "property tree" assigned and you can maintain data therein

I have no experience here.

But in GLM we know that you can "see" a report in report tree (in cg50 etc.) but there is no entry in ESTDH

But according to your explanation: you can find one entry but which is not "complete". And this combination is really "unknown"

I have checked SAP online help. The same options seems to be available for PLM (same options as with in GLM)

Please check this document "Generating WWI Report from PLM Web UI for Recipe Development.pdf" (just use google to find it)

This could be of interest


PS: we need more information to help you

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Hello Christoph


MATMASTER Material master
RECIPE Recipe Development
SUBMASTER Specification master

b) Do you mean this for the look and feel of CG50?

c) The custom parameter symbols are to collect data from the ECR using a foreign key function module. No business object, just to collect data needed that is not on the recipe or on the specification.

d) I agree that the report category should not make a difference, but RECIPE seems to make a difference. I created a report category as a copy of RECIPE, but this did not work at all. No data in the report at all. RECIPE I get data, just not all the data. In no case did parameter symbols calculate.

Do you mean this screen?

Yes, I am not entirely sure of the missing generation date is actually a problem, but it seems strange and I am grasping for any clues to why parameter symbols are ignored. But this missing date may be nothing, but yes there is indeed an entry in the table.

I am happscreens.jpgy to provide as much information as I can.



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Also, Google returns nothing for the document

Generating WWI Report from PLM Web UI for Recipe Development.pdf

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Dear Timothy

1.) genvariant seems to be fine: What "Rating" do you use in "gen variant"

2.) the screen shown (for report from template) shows the "list" of "parameter objects" needed (e.g. material name, specification number etc.). Some "strange" vaues therein.. why ?? (e.g. rating, validity area, "Length60")?

3.) for cg50: you should use "Recipe development" as application. Specify the "best data" you csan: e.g. recipe number, report category, generation variant. Still not sure (topic of material number) (look and feel of "report tree")

4.) The topic is your "custom function module". Not sure which data you would like to collect. Here we need more input.. Currently: I would have "issues" in using CG50 / Cg54 and getting the parameters "populated"

5.) I agree that the report category should not make a difference, but RECIPE seems to make a difference. I created a report category as a copy of RECIPE, but this did not work at all. No data in the report at all. RECIPE I get data, just not all the data. In no case did parameter symbols calculate => really strange behaviour; I can not help as we do not use "Recipe development"


PS: What is the data model used.. according to online. YOu can do a "reference" of recipe to "RECIPE_WUI"; But what kind of reference is this? RECIPE_WUI is used as: you assign a property tree and you maintain data therein.. I would assume: any data record should have a "usage" etc.

Not sure regarding this (as part of online help): Use customized report templates. To define these templates, make the relevant entries in the separate Customizing activities for specifications and recipes under  Logistics - General  Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)  PLM Web User Interface  Recipe Development  Reporting  .

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Dear Timothy

i need 5 s to find this:


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Hello Christoph

While I do appreciate the help, do you think it helpful or kind to tell me how long it took you to find that? It seems a little passive aggressive.

I searched quite literally for "Generating WWI Report from PLM Web UI for Recipe Development.pdf" just as you posted it. It seemed to me that the ".PDF" was an important component or you wouldn't have put it there, but yes if I removed the ".pdf" it is the first entry.


- Timothy

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Dear Timothy

sorry for my wording in my answer. I am using "google" the "most naive". In using this; i am finding in most cases (at least after 5 min at max) discussions regarding EHS topics (not all of them in SCN)

In any case. I hope that you will find the document helpful. I believe this document was generated before the "business function" was available.... Now with the business function: you might not need the technique described therein.

I am sorry to say: my knowledge regarding "Recipe development" is purely on "theoretical level". So my self learned a lot looking on documents as:

This is really a fantastic article (and not the only one by Simon; any document from him is really fantastic) and a "must to read" )


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1) PUBLIC Released w/o restrictions
ZCONFIDENT Confidential, Regional

2) Some are from custom structures where the labels aren't set, or using generic data types. Others are for the symbols listed already, data about the raw report. I mainly have them there to see if they will populate in the shipping order.

3) I don't think I understand what you are directing here. Sorry can you clarify?

4) The function reads the parameter data in the shipping order and creates a class object that reads from the ECR object. The class checks out in debug, it returns the data expected. Also I can see in the shipping order that all the parameters are populated in the call to create the shipping order. However it seems that this function is never called.

5) I understand. This is odd behavior, we have just started using recipe development, so you can see why this is tough to diagnose.
p.s.) I honestly have no answer to that one. I will see if I can get an answer to that question.

pps.) Yes, but this will not fulfill our requirement unfortunately

Thank you for your help.

I will keep trying.



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Dear Timothy

just found this:

Can you potentially explain this sentence a little bit:

"Specification belonging to a recipe, containing a property tree in which relevant properties for a recipe are stored. These properties can differ from the properties defined in the specification of the primary output."

I did not 100% get the story in the online help.

This seems to be true:

a.) you can define that a "property specification" is mandatory (or not ..)

b.) it seems to be that only a "1:1" relation is possible (one recipe <=> one related specification)

c.) but it is not "clear" how this "link/relation" is created

But looking on:

The system also uses this specification internally for versioning of reports (see WWI Reports). If reports were created for the recipe, the specification cannot be deleted, in other words, the recipe cannot be marked for deletion either.

One could assume this: if there is a WWI reporet generated this report is not linked to the "Recipe" but to the "Specification" (topic of data in ESTDH) => can you confirm this?

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I am still learning the structure of all of this

"Specification belonging to a recipe, containing a property tree in which relevant properties for a recipe are stored. These properties can differ from the properties defined in the specification of the primary output."

but there are multiple specs. The property spec is linked to the recipe. Then there is a Primary output spec that is basically the EH&S spec.

Yes WWI reports are linked to the property spec that is linked to the recipe.

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Dear Timothy

up to now this is my understanding: im RD yes you have "input specs" and"output" specs (as part of recipe). But sometimes you have two "output specs" (only happening if you have chemical reaction; for mixing: this does not apply)

My current assumption on data model here would be as (very high level)

a.) you have a recipe

b.) you have input and output specs

c.) for the output spce you can "assign" (some how" and additional "specification" which can be used to store data (via property tree).

I assume now the following:

Using e.g, CG50/Cg54 the system can "create" a link between recipe and specificaiotn. teh "raw" report as such is generated on level of "specification". And now the "complexity" comes up.

Using this WWI reportyou try to "collect" data from recipe (and other sources). Here i have no idea how SAP has designed this

PLease refer to the other comment as well


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Dear Timothy

1) PUBLIC Released w/o restrictions/ZCONFIDENT Confidential, Regional => ok understood

2) Some are from custom structures where the labels aren't set, or using generic data types. Others are for the symbols listed already, data about the raw report. I mainly have them there to see if they will populate in the shipping order.

=> let us seperate a little bit Let us focus on the "raw report" and "final" report; but forget about "shipping order"

3) I don't think I understand what you are directing here. Sorry can you clarify? => I will explain in a seperate anser

4) The function reads the parameter data in the shipping order and creates a class object that reads from the ECR object. The class checks out in debug, it returns the data expected. Also I can see in the shipping order that all the parameters are populated in the call to create the shipping order. However it seems that this function is never called. => here i have currently my biggest issues

5) I understand. This is odd behavior, we have just started using recipe development, so you can see why this is tough to diagnose.
p.s.) I honestly have no answer to that one. I will see if I can get an answer to that question.

pps.) Yes, but this will not fulfill our requirement unfortunately

Thank you for your help.

I will keep trying.



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Dear Timothy

let us concentrate first on "classical WWI" structures and then try to look on the "Recipe" part

This is the "high level story"

Part 1

a.) you define a gen variant with a template. important part here is: the assignment of an application (in your case MATMASTER, SUBMASTER, RECIPE Development)

b.) based on SAP docU: I assume the "recipe" part is on level of "SUBMASTER" BUt this is not clear..

Part 2: CG50/CG54

Based on the "applications" (as part of the gen variant) you can "select" that in CG50 (refer to your screen). By application you will get a "application related search screen". E.g. if you use "SUBMASTER" you can select specifications (list of) as input. If you specify "MATMASTER" you can use "Materials" as selection criteria. If you you "Recipe development" i assume you can select "Recipes"

Now it is important to differentiate the "symbols". Any symbol of type "SUBMASTER" is part of "raw report". Any symbol of type "MATMASTER" is part of "final report" (so called parameter symbols). For Recipe: no idea..

BUt now complexity starts; for the "parameters" you can generate "hierarchies" (i will not drill down to details)

Coming back now to "report from template" and "CG50"

If you e.g. select "recipe" i would assume this (in report tree): Highest level is the "recipe"; Next the "Material", next the "specification".(for e.g. MSDS/Sds: it is "material" and then "Spec)

Normally story is as:

If you use "material" and select one WWI report in cg54/cg50 WWI is using this process

1.) take raw report

2.) check for "material" driven parameter symbols; collect data

and then show final report (on client)

For recipe i would assume the same; but now we have a "hierarchy" (my assumption !)m as you collect as well data from "recipe"

Highest level "Recipe", material, specification

But the "other" parameter symbols do not have a link to a "normal" EHS object; Therefore: here i struck a little bit

E.g. if we talk about the cover sheet: here you can use special "report symbols" to collect "name of customer" etc.

But you need always a "heading object" to collect some data, For you "customs symbol": i am not able to detect thos object (and this is the "on top complexity)

I need now "reread" all of you explanation. BUt I am sorry. This WWI part (to combine SAP RD with WWI) is as well new for me


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Dear Timothy

based on my last comment: This is now my understanding

1.) with some business function in SAP RD you have now the option to generate WWI documents (as released documents)

2.) the "normal" SAP RD can only use WWI reports as "Ad hoc" reports

3.) Online help is explaining. You can use "recipe" as the "header" object or "Specification"

4.) This is my basic understanding of SAP RD (as a follower of SAP RM):

a.) You define "input" material and spec (in most cases REAL_SUB) and you define out put material and spec (in most cases REAL_SUB)

One material/spec combination is defined as "primary output".. Now some how there is a link between this primary spec and the "property specification" spec which more is assigned on the level of "recipe" (SAP help: on RECIPE_WUI level you stor datan (proepties) which are related to "Recipe" which are different to oher data as needed ot be stored on recipe level)

This would be my assumption:

a.) You can define a WWI layout/gerenationvairant to be used on "Recipe" level

b.) using the "recipe" specific report symbols you can create a "list" of materials/Specs (which are input) and thos whcih are output. Based on SAP online help: you can really collect lot of data from "Recipe" object (costs etc.)

This is "nearly" the same like in classical "EHS" (composition). You can e.g. print names identifiers, amounts in WWI related to a "component"

=> can you confirm this?

c.) This is my next assumption: by some report symbol one can get a "link" between the "major" out put spec and the "RECIPE_WUI" spec. Uisng this link to get retrieve data from RECIPE_WUI and print it. => but what type of report symbol is used here?

E.g. on RECIPE_WUI level you could store something like. odor, form,,, what so ever and print it

In classic EHS the story is as: you have a "component" (as part of composition) and you can read data from component and print it

The recipe story seems to be "slightly" more complex as the data is not directly stored on output spec but on "property spec"

Up to now I was not able to find any document or information using "google" with details on this concept. And Even the very goood docments (i mentioned) do not help

But first: can you confirm my understanding of WWI and the use of WWI n "recipe development"?



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Hello Christoph,

There was a bug in the function call to 'C125_VALUE_TABLE_GENERATE'.

We were able to correct this and send the information to SAP.

Thanks for your help.

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Dear Timothy

is "report from template" working?

I am using now EHS for quite a long time. Never ever seen any issues in ESTDH (Generation date is not populated in table ESTDH.)

The other topics listed might be related regarding "WWI" Set up (correct configuraiotn in SAP and on WWI side)

What parameter do you use? Do you use CG50 and try to view the report?

We need more information to help you
