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SP01: First impression

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Well pre-release of SP01 is out... Here are my first impressions

<b>New features:</b>

- Finally the FormData Event arrived And it works like a charm. Being able to put additional matrixes on system form with navigation, and easy way to get the new docentry of a document... Have waited for this day since 6.5...

- FormInfo is also great... At first I thought... Well where are you ever gonna need this this, but then it struck me that I can use it all over my Usability Package (

- Messagebox now resize to the message entered in it

Else there doesn't seem that much new (As expected). Had hoped for sorting of columns and sum-columns

<b>Problems so far...</b>

- Well none... running internal addons built for SBO2005A worked as intended so far... changes in system form layout of cause give the usual problems, but that was to be expected....

<b>To sum it up...</b>

SP01 is a nice little addition to the SDK, but as expected only a little... FormData Event is the new big thing but one can argue that it should have been there a long time ago... I still missing to test the new version on SQL2005 and some more external addons, but so far it seem that the switch to SP01 will go quite smoothly as it is now...


Looking ahead at SBO2006A i really hope the following will be included/fixed

- Better performance

- Modal Forms

- DI Access to UDO-data

- Column Sort

- Sum-columns

- Missing definition business objects (Project, ect.)

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Thanks for the prompt feedback, Rasmus!

BTW: You missed the great new functionality to delete open lines in documents

Re <i><b>Future</b>

Looking ahead at SBO2006A i really hope the following will be included/fixed

- Better performance

- Modal Forms

- DI Access to UDO-data

- Column Sort

- Sum-columns

- Missing definition business objects (Project, ect.)</i>

From what you have listed the following is <u>planned</u> for now:

- Better performance (e.g. the <u>option</u> to have only 1 DB connection for all Add-Ons)

- Planned exposure of missing (definition) business objects/subobjects as listed in on SAP Servicemarketplace in the "Statement of Direction" for 2006:

Thanks again,


PS: I looked at your website - sounds cool!

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Oh... yes... the delete option on documents are cool (Haven't had any addon that have needed it yet though but only a matter of time I guess)

btw... Missed one thing in nice to have list...

- Option to add text-lines and sub-totals in documents (Really a big issue a the moment I would say...)


The option to have only 1 DB connection for all Add-Ons sounds cool but will this also work for addon created by different partners/SAP?

btw... Thanks for the nice words about the B1 Usability Package...

Message was edited by: Rasmus Jensen

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> - Option to add text-lines and sub-totals in documents

Unfortunately you will have to wait for 2006 as you can see in the "Statement o. D."

>The option to have only 1 DB connection for all Add-Ons sounds cool

>but will this also work for addon created by different partners/SAP?

That was the goal of the "exercise" - I had no chance to test it yet though.

BTW: Thanks for listing your B1 Usability Package in the "Channel Partner Solution Network"s "Solution Directory" - (not just) I love to have a place where I can go to check what partners developed "out there"!

It happens that I get asked whether a partner already developed an Add-On for this and that purpose - so I only need to take a look there - or point to it.

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Hi All,

Functionality sounds good and I haven't been able to take a look at it. The one database connection is a major thing for me and I am jumping with joy. Just a general question: What do all of you guys do in the event where you have multiple add-ons running at a site? Seeing that each add-on uses a lot of memory what do you do you do? Any comments and/or recommendations welcome!


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Well thats what the CPSN is there for... A shame it is not used more often (We never get any visits to the microsite)... Also a shame that its only for partners... We needed to build, because customers cant go to the CPSN...

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Adele: We have build a template for all addons so each functionality is comprised of modules (As you also have seen in the B1UP when you tested it)... This way each addon is instead modules included in one addon (And if needed a configuration for which users should use which parts)... This of cause only work for your own addons, but saves up tons of RAM...

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Hi Rasmus,

Thanks for the quick reply! What do you do if you run the B1UP and another add-on at the same site? Does it make only one connection to the DI or more than one? If it makes only one connection, is it only one add-on or two add-ons?



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Each addon always need one connection so i that case we use more connection... We are thinking of including customer addon into the B1UP as a module and determine if it should run using the SAP system number, but this gives other sourcecode problems so at the moment that is y at a minimum... B1UP is a bad example here since it is so general and in multible countries, but i a customer request "customer addon A" and then later also request a "customer addon b" this are included as modules into one addon placeholder so no customer should run more than two of our addons (B1UP and their special need addon)... Well it's not rocket sience, but it helps

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Hi Rasmus,

Thanks for the comments, it is greatly appreciated!


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Hi Rasmus

Have you seen the web-ex for sp01? In the web-ex for SP01 there are more features, like tha capability to push a document also. Extra features on the Aging which is a problem here in South Africa and much more. A lot of it is extra little features through the front end and not sdk related. I myself have not tested it but will be SOON!

But i agree with you on the text lines and subtotals.

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Yes... have seen the SP1 webex:

- Document push is just UI, and not really a functionality.

- Have not seen anything about the aging report in there

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They also killed off support for Assembly BOMs in the P&P Manager!

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Please note that the 2005A SP01 SDK package includes the SDK samples in C# as well!



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Nice... didn't see those... A little too late for me (Using C# and been doing that for 2 years now), but I'll check them out and see if there are some tips to use... Also nice for people new to SBO

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Hi Rasmus,

What do yo say about the new Screen Painter and its features?

What I have seen in demos look really good, and you don´t even mention it.

Just courious about it.


Ibai Peñ

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Well... I never use the screenpainter in my work (Still much to simple to create smart code yet), so I havn't tested it... Normally I check it out each major release and so far writing the code myself just have too many advantages... But you have peaked my interest now.. so I will check it out...