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Search String for EBS

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Dear SAP Experts,

I need to define search string for posting in to different GL Accounts like Debit Memo and Direct Debit. 

I have configured "Define Search String for Electronic Bank Statement".  Before this I did all standard configuration in "Make Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement"

Issue: Since XXX bank is using this business transaction 699 for different postings/ scenarios (say for direct deposit, Debit Memo etc.). Business wants these different postings to go to different GL accounts.

Please explain in detail how to define search string for the above scenario. 

Thanks in advance.


Accepted Solutions (1)

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Dear Expert

              instead of going search sting  use below


           EBS User-Exits

Exit  ZXF01U06 through se38


User-Exits are another advanced “configuration” technique that can be used to solve complex EBS problems

OSS Note 494777 contains a complete listing and explanation of all EBS User-Exits

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Hi Ajeesh,

Thanks for the information.  We maintain another User Exit for this issue.

Now working fine for me.  But waiting for user response.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Hi Patel,

Please define unique text or number in search string field which you are getting in note to payee line of the bank file( e.g. line 88 or 16 for BAI format) for direct debit.

You defined there (0000100002) but this number is not exist in line 88 so system is not able to identify note to payee line.

Steps you need to define

Create posting rule for direct debit.

Assign algorithm 901 for step "Assign External transaction type to posting rule" for code 699 in OT83

In search string put "DIRECT DEBIT" press enter.

Change target field(DIRECT DEBIT) of search string with posting rule which you will define for direct debit.

Click on "Search string use" folder and map it here with algorithm 901.

Let me know if you have any further clarification.

Hope it will work.



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Hi Kalim,

Thanks for your valuable suggestion.

I did above mentioned changes. I will test it and let you know if I need more help on this.



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Hi Kalim,

I have tested above mentioned settings, but still same issue is replicating.

Could you please suggest me alternative solutions.



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Hi Ranjith,

Kalim answered correctly - there is no other way to do this. But let's just go through the steps to see where the error is.

1. There must be a default posting rule assigned to movement 699 (SPRO: Financial accounting - Bank accounting - Business transactions - Payment transactions - Electronic bank statement - Make global settings for statmt -> Create transaction type -> Assign external transaction type to posting rule (view V_T028V). I assume this had been done already, but just for completeness.

2. You need to create the alternative posting rules for each of the separate cases that you want to put to different accounts (same SPRO node -> Define posting rules and Create keys for posting rules). Let's assume that the new posting rule for direct debits will be called "ZZ01". Again, I assume that you do not have any issue here - let me know if you do.

3. You need to create a search string for each of the cases. This is where your first issue probably begins.  Let us assume - taken from your picture - that if you get a text containing "DIRECT DEBIT" then you want to treat it as such. Then your search string may look e.g. like this:

Here you can see the first difference from your example - the "Search string name" (in your case DIRECT DEBIT) does not matter but the "Search string" (in your case "(0000100002)") was incorrect - because it has to be precisely the text that you expect to find. If it should contain variable characters then you need to put some special characters here (see SAP help at the IMG node) but let's keep this aside for now.

Also, I have put a blank target so that the search string does not return anything and we can do what we need in the next step. This is not the only possible approach but for sure, you must not return the same value if you want to fill a field with another one.

4. Define search string use, e.g. as follows:

The key contents here is:

- Target field must be Posting rule (technical name: EBVGINT)

- Mapping prefix must contain the actual posting rule that you want to use in that case (provided that the target of the search string is blank, as shown above)

- Interpretation algorithm must be the same as you defined for the default posting rule (see first step, Assign external transaction type to posting rule).

Try this and I cannot imagine that it does not work. You will need to create one search string for each of your cases, in the same manner.

You could also do it slightly differently - you could define the posting rule code (here, ZZ01) as the target of the search string (in step 3) and then leave the "prefix" blank in step 4. It would do the same but it is not my preferred choice because then you cannot reuse the same search string for filling other fields with constants if needed in the future. For sure, the target of the search string must not be anything else because then it would (together with the prefix, if applicable) return incorrect results.

Hope this explains it sufficiently. Let me (us) know if anything is not clear. You may check some other illustrated examples e.g. on . Good luck!

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Hi Patil,

Please provide error and search string config screenshot



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Hi Kalim and Jan,

Please find below mentioned screenshots which I have configured.  Pls. check and let me know.                

Here I am using existing "0000034", Is this correct step or I need to create New Transaction Type?

In the .TXT file refer to the $7,376,607.23 this is the amount that we would like to go to the eft account rather than the adjustment account.

The transaction 699 here needs to go to the EFT GL account 100002.

Since XXX bank is using this business transaction 699 for different postings/ scenarios (say for direct deposit, Debit Memo etc.). Business wants these different postings to go to different GL accounts.

For example, look at the following two bank statements dated. 09/13/2013 and 09/19/2013 for bank account 0000034. The bank has used transaction code 699 for different postings like direct debit and debit memo and these postings need to go to two different GL accounts (i.e. 100002 and 100004) instead of one GL 100004(with current config).

Pls. do the needful.



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Hi Ranjith,

Thanks for the screenshots. Just very briefly:

1. No apparent problem with the first 5 screens - the posting rules etc. look fine.

2. "Create transaction type": There is no problem with calling it e.g. 0000034 as long as you assign this code to your bank account number ("Assign bank account to transaction type under the same IMG node")

3. "Assign external transaction type": I can see that your default for ext. trans. type 699 is posting rule ZA96, which is also the one you defined for debit memo. Is this correct? I would assume that in this place, you assign a completely generic rule (e.g. debit "other output", credit bank) that will be used whenever the transaction is neither direct debit nor debit memo.

Also, why do you use customer-specific interpretation algorithm 901? Have you defined any (with custom ABAP behind it)? In my view, "no interpretation" (000) would be quite sufficient here. (But if you decide to change it here make sure you also do it in the search string use below.)

4. The two search strings "DIRECT DEBIT" and "DEBIT MEMO" must not return the same value. They must return a blank value otherwise the posting rule will not be selected correctly. You need to correct it (remove the target characters in the "Mapping" table that are shown after the "->").

5. Search string use: Your target field ("Pay...") is probably "Payment notes" which is incorrect if you want to change posting rule. You need to copy these two rows into new ones with target field "Posting rule" and with the proper posting rule code (ZA96 for debit memo, ZA97 for direct debit) typed in "Mapping prefix". Then delete the two rows which you show - they will be useless.

5. This should make correct bookings in your case. The examples you show at the bottom look confusing (they seem to  be from several different statements) but if you set it up as written above then you should get a correct result.

Good luck!

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HI Jan,

Thanks for your time.  I did all configurations, but issue is same. 

Could you please suggest me.



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Hi Patil,

Sorry but I do not have any further idea out of the box. Would you like to update the screenshots, so we can see if there is no issue somewhere?

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Hi Ranjith,

Try to create search string as per the attached file. if you have any issue then let me know.

