As per our info record From 24.09.2013 to 28.02.2017 gross
price per unit is 1.45 AED.On 01.03.2017
to 31.12.9999 we have changed price to 1475 AED for 1000 unitsAfter overhead changes and before costing release for third
period its showing 1475.00Bu...
Hi Team As per the business requirement , while we configuring ( EBS) External transaction type is not assigned to any of the posting rule , But now business has an requirement whenever if they want to do manual posting through FEBA system should al...
Hi Experts while creating GR we getting a error message in "Acquistion value negative in area 01". as per the aw01n report values are like below , i have checked in the forum every where its saying to activate negative posting allowed in the ...
Hi As per Business requirement we would like to update text field in FB03,02 by below condition If T code is PCPO , Then System has to check Period and year Example : period is 1 & Fiscal year is 2016in FB02,FB03, system has to update the text l...
Hi Experts i have maintained default profit center in FAGL3KEH for G/L code 14200614, PCR 3002, while posting happening this G/l is updating with split d profit center 3001 in some casesplease help me to solve this issueRegardsAjeesh.s
HI Expert We solved the issue by using below advise from SAP If your requirement is only to have the status change there is a report that allows you to change the status of the bank statement to posted. The report is RFEBKA90. The online documentati...