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Maintaining Form Title for Billing Documents in Output Management

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Hi All,

We are trying to find the place where we need to maintain Form Title for "Billing Document" Output.

We have created custom Master and as well as Content Form Templates for "Billing Documents".

We could see that, the Form Title has binding "$.frmTitleText" . But We don't exactly know the place where it has to be maintained. 

Expectation: Need to give different Title for both "CI01" and "CIC1" . But as of now its showing "Tax Invoice" as a title for both in output.

Please help us to understand the Maintaining Form Title for Output Management.



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Hello Lingaraj,

Form Text title comes from Context page, actually there is hidden subform "frmHiddenGlobalFields" in Content form( attaching screen shot as well), there you can find all texts value and binding done to get billing document number as well. If you need to put different text based on type then scripting is required.


Kamal Jain

0 Kudos

You saved my life! hahaha