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Credit release transfer from Delivery order to sale order

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Dear Master's,

Our setting for credit release from delivery order but now change requirement from our organization, they like this check from sale order and i create setting it in test server but there is a problem with me, every thing is ok, system also block sale order for credit release but the value that is, net value. our requirement is different, we need gross value as we already working in previous with delivery order. anybody can solve my problem, i try to find it and feel there is no problem in setting but problem still in system.



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What do you mean by gross value and net value? Are you reffering sale order gross value and net value fields? In your pricing procedure for sale order please check for which value you have assigned subtotal A which is credit amount. System will perform credit check against that amount which has this A value in pricing procedure. Enter A for your gross value step and check.


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I already "A" which is credit amount adjust in Gross value after tax and all other discount values but i am confuse why system release value from before tax and trader offers. System not perform credit check against amount which has "A". it is same as before when we fixed credit check on Delivery order, at that time its working perfect but now wrongly collect it from net values.


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Could you please paste screenshot of your pricing procedure and OVA8 settings. Mention clearly that for which value in your pricing procedure system is performing credit check.


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Here screenshot of  pricing procedure and OVA8 settings

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I already "A" which is credit amount adjust in Gross value after tax and all other discount values but i am confuse why system release value from before tax and trader offers

Muhammad Arafkhan 

Please use correct English. it is very hard to understand your requirement the above is one of the  small examples of your post. Am also not perfect.However, will try to use correct English to my level.

Please never use any SMS language and try to avoid the maximum  grammatical errors.

Coming into your requirement as per my understanding, previously you were using the credit control at Delivery level, now the same setting is changed to order level is that correct?

Now kindly explain your requirement once again what is the issue after this change in OVA8? I did not understand completely.



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Mr. Srinu,

Your paste words not for you it is  for Mr. Moazzam, who asked me about it and sorry for your not understanding about my problem, don't worry. if you serious to reply me then try to read it from start of this page. if you read it from middle or end then it make problem for you and no doubts my English is not good.

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Please paste complete screenshot of pricing procedure. Your credit amount comes at 48 step and I can't see net price in here. For replicating this scenario I need to see and understand your pricing procedure completely. Also mention that for which step system is performing credit check.

For OVA8 screenshot show me this one which I have pasted. This screen comes after double clicking on that which you have shared.


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Hai M AK,

In sales order system takes

Total amount - The total amount of the document consists of the document net value plus tax.

for credit check calculation

Which value will be considered for Credit check | SCN



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Here attached both pricing procedure and automatic credit control files,  at this time all taxes and discounts are not active.

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hi Mani,

i need it as

Value - discount + tax value = required value

you also check my last mail for more information.


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Dear M AK,

SAP in general-  credit check will perform as per the above calculation only.

Can u please post sales order condition with credit check information

For ex (CUSTOMER already got 22/- credit balance)



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The above screen shot of OVA8 which perform,the credit check at delivery level because of the below points

  • . You have deactivated the open order against the Static check.
  •   You are using update group 000015
  •   Also seems to be you are using credit group at delivery( i assume 02 is delivery).

I think this setting you were using in the initially time, later as per your client requirement you were asked to change the credit control at sales order level from delivery if so the above setting needs to be changed accordingly.

And one point as per your initial post you were complaining that the net value is taking into consideration during credit check unlike gross value after changing the setting from Delivery to Order

If the of my understanding is correct, please compare the value of FD32 Opne order with your sales order value of (Gross value with Tax) is same or not.

Please let me know if my understanding is wrong?



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Hi Mani,

As in attachment system block sale order due to credit check with amount of 2898.04 before sale tax but after deduction of trade offer. i need to block it with amount of 3448.67 but with same position after setting of delivery block, system block it with 3448.67.


Muhammad Arif Khan

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Dear M AK,

Most of the setting seems to be correct.

1. Can u remove the Subtotal - 2 Carry over value to KOMP-KZWI2 from pricing procedure.

2. Check - Customer credit group

3. Risk category

4. In case if you are creating sales order wrt any contract, then create sales order directly

5. Is the Taxes value are updating the sales order pricing conditions

6. Account Key assigned to MWST and ZEXT

Felt some of these may wrong, please check



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Dear Mani,

A most important things that i already inform you that with same setting when i change credit check from sale order to delivery order, its working perfect and there is no error. now please tell me, what problem with me.


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Hi Srinu,

I know it is difficult for you to understand my writing but thanks for your response.

With respect to your E-mail all of your options i already tried but there is no change. I also compare the vale of FD32 and value of sale order there is no change in both value. now if you have any other options then please send me.



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Hi MoazzaM, Srinu s and Mani,

I am still waiting for all of your response but no reply from anywhere. please confirm me there is no way to solve it or it is not available in SAP. if there is no way for credit check in sale order then i continue it in delivery order.
