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Can a schedule line be "planned" but not part of ATP

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Hi Group,

We have a request for an option in sales order entry for a material to be flagged as "plan & purchase immediately".  But at the same time they don't want this order line item to count against ATP.  We want to have existing stock available for other customers...

Our ATP is set to normally include the entire required quantity on each order.  We are looking for a way to override this at the order/line level.

Another option would have been to use sales order stock, but unfortunately a custom MM "load builder" process prevents this.

Schedule line dating does not work for this as delivery will be ASAP - many times later that same day.  Material is quickly source by STO or PO but existing shelf stock needs to show available while this is happening.


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"But at the same time they don't want this order line item to count against ATP.  We want to have existing stock available for other customers..."

This may seem like a silly question but I am not understanding your issue fully. Can you not just change your scope of check settings in OVZ9 to exclude sales requirements? This would ensure that this sales order quantity is not reserving the quantity from an ATP viewpoint.

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Thanks Noel,

the problem is that normally, we want sales order quantities to be considered in ATP.  This would be something our a salesperson could set "on-the-fly" at the order/line level to exclude a specific order/line consideration in ATP.

This would allow the full quantity to be quickly purchased in MM, but still allow existing shelf stock to be sold to other customers (because it would show as available).  Currently, the stock does not show as available so in essence it is not visible to sales.

This is needed for exceptionally large order quantities that would clean out branch stock.  Instead we source the entire amount and keep existing stock for other customer.

Sales order stock would work best, but we have a custom version of load builder that will not work with SOS.

Active Contributor
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You could train the user to manually change the confirmed quantity to 0 in CO06. Would that be an option?

Or do you want:

- Sales Order quantity confirmed

and, - the confirmed quantity not considered in ATP

0 Kudos

Thanks again Noel,

Our ATP is set to consider sales order quantities even if it is not confirmed - and this works best for us under normal circumstances.

Basically we just want to force-backorder the material so that shelf stock is available for others.  We don't want to schedule the backorder.  It should just be as-soon-as-possible delivery.

We have delivery creation set for complete delivery and this works well, but until the material is received in migo, the shelf stock shows at unavailable.

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In general, you need to allow the assignment of a different Requirements Type to your Sales order item.  This 'alternate' Requirements type should be valid for transfer of requirements, but not for availability checking.  When implemented, the sales order entry person can change requirements type on the fly during sales order item create or sales order item change.  VA02 > Procurement tab.

There are a couple of ways to do this, but the best way for your company depends upon how your existing sales orders, item categories, and schedule line categories are already configured; as well as the MRP Planning strategy that is currently assigned.  Your local SD functional expert should be able to walk you through your options.

Bear in mind that this means that these sales orders will be automatically confirmed at the customer request date.  Since you will probably not be shipping this order 'on time', you may want to review your existing policies and procedures as to how you should handle the communication of confirmation information to these customers.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Thanks!  We will test.