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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
In SAP Business ByDesign you can launch ByD Analytical Reports from external applications and open the ByD report in a browser or Microsoft Excel.

For this purpose ByD provides parameterized URLs to navigate to ByD analytical reports.

Imagine you are using a central cloud analytics solution for global sales analysis based on aggregated data, that you extracted from multiple locations and systems.

In such a scenario the external navigation to ByD analytical reports enables you to navigate from your global dashboard to ByD reports, drill-down into more detailed views of the ByD report and further navigate to ByD account overviews and business documents like sales orders.

This document describes how to assemble this parameterized URL to navigate to a ByD report and how to transfer parameters like the report view, the selection variant or selection parameter values.


Open ByD Reports in a Browser

The URL schema to open ByD reports in a browser is:

&param.ReportId=<Report ID>
&param.SelectedVariantId=<Selection ID>
&param.SelectedViewId=<Report View ID>
&param.Selection.<Selection Parameter Technical ID>='<Selection Parameter Value>'&param.Selection.<Selection Parameter Technical ID>='<Selection Parameter Value>'&param.Selection...

URL Parameters:

<Hostname> ByD tenant URL (the URL which you click to open the ByD system), for example: https://myXXXXXX.sapbydesign.com
<Report ID> The ID of the Report which you want to use as a mashup, for example: BUPCSD_Q0001
<Selection ID> The technical ID of the selection variant of the report, for example: ZAALD4BSYXAPNLMU5RLRKS5HMAY; The selection variant is applied only if no selection parameter is provided in the report URL
<Report View ID> The technical ID for the View of the report, for example: ACCOUNT%20DATA
<Selection Parameter Technical ID> The technical ID of the parameter that you want to pass as a context to report, for example: P_CITY
<Selection Parameter Value> The actual value of the parameter, for example: Berlin


Selection Parameter examples:

Single value: &param.Selection.P_CITY='Berlin'
Multiple values: &param.Selection.P_CITY='Berlin;Heidelberg'
Contains pattern: &param.Selection.P_CITY='Be*'
Greater than queries: &param.Selection.P_YEAR='>2015'
Value range: &param.Selection.P_STATUS='[2 .. 3]'
Value not assigned/empty: &param.Selection.P_CITY='#'
Extension field: &param.Selection.1FCFL64T37BTWV0FT0ERXJ40VY='Hello World'

Selection ID and Selection Parameter Technical ID:

With release ByD 1602 the system enables you to transfer selection parameters using URL parameter param.Selection.<Selection Parameter Technical ID>. For example, if you would like to open a contextual report based on a city, then the city can be transferred as a selection parameter value.

Please note: if a report URL contains a selection variant as well as selection parameters, then the system ignores the selection variant and applies the selection values from URL parameter param.Selection.<Selection Parameter Technical ID> only.

URL encoding for special characters and spaces:

Some applications/browsers may require URLs without spaces, unsafe characters and special characters outside the ASCII character-set. In this case replace those characters by the corresponding %-syntax. You find more details on HTML URL Encoding Reference.


Since release ByD 1508 the endpoint /sap/public/ap/ui/runtime is recommended to launch ByD reports. This endpoint works for ByD as well as C4C and re-directs you automatically to the right endpoint according the solution and your company settings.

The deprecated endpoint /sap/public/byd/runtime is still supported for compatibility reasons, but should not be used anymore. New features will be supported for the new endpoint /sap/public/ap/ui/runtime only.

Single Sign-On (SSO):

Logon using single sign-on can be implemented by using the corresponding single sign-on hostname.

myXXXXXX-sso.sapbydesign.com/sap/ap/ui/runtime Logon using SSO
myXXXXXX.sapbydesign.com/sap/public/ap/ui/runtime Logon without SSO
with parameter &saml2=disabled
Logon without SSO by using the SSO hostname with disabled SSO (not recommended)


Example Report URLs:

Example report URL with selection variant:


Example report URL with selection parameter:


One more example with multiple selection parameter:



Open ByD Report in MS Excel (xml format)

The URL schema to open ByD reports in Microsoft Excel XML format is:

LINK=<Report ID>
&VIEW=<Report View ID>
&VARIANT=<Selection ID>




How to get URL Parameter Values?

Basically you get all parameter values from the ByD report UI.

To get the Report ID, Report View ID and Selection ID open the ByD report in the ByD UI, select the report view and selection variant of your choice and click on "Details".

The displayed popup lists all technical details of your report incl. Report ID, Report View ID and Selection ID.


To get the Selection Parameter Technical IDs click on "Show Technical ID" in the selection area of your report. As result the technical IDs of your selection parameters are added to the Selection field names in brackets.


For a quick test you send the ByD report URLs to yourself as e-mail. Open the report with the report view and selection variant of your choice and click on button "Send" >> "As E-Mail Link (Web Browser)" or "As E-Mail Link (Microsoft Excel in XML Format)" and send the report link to yourself or any other user in ByD (please note: the report link in the e-mail contains report ID,  report view ID and selection variant ID, but not selection parameters).

0 Kudos

Hi Knut! Very good and useful post, thanks! Have to try.

0 Kudos
Hi Knut,
great article! I have one specific case, where the URL calls the right report - but does not pass the right parameter. Even trying a lot, I was not able to sort out the problem yet.

Do you have a hint, what might be the problem?



Thanks a lot,

0 Kudos
Hi knut.heusermann



It seems the selection parameter is not working, when I used the above URL, can someone please confirm what is missing?

Report is opened without the selection parameter of account

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Senthil,

could you please create a ByD incident to report the issue?

Thanks, Knut
0 Kudos
Hi Senthil,


Very curious to know if you were able discover the root cause for this since I am facing the same issue here.




Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Some more examples:

Open a report using a range in a selection parameter:

myXXXXXX.sapbydesign.com/sap/public/ap/ui/runtime?app.component=/SAP_BYD_TF/Analytics/AnalysisPattern/ANA_AP_Standalone.QA.uicomponent&app.inport=AnalysisPattern&param.ReportId=BUPCSD_Q0001&param.ReportType=RP&param.SelectedViewId=ACCOUNT%20DATA&param.Scenario=AP&param.Selection.P_STATUS='[2 .. 3]'




Open a report and filtering by an initial selection parameter:





Open a report using relative selects (note: I don't use quotation marks):



0 Kudos

Hi Knut Heusermann,


Nice blog but functionality is still not working. As suggested in your post I also created an incident and the issue is acknowledged but not solved in 2105.

Hopefully this will work soon since we want to combine it with ByD's powerful Mashup functionality....


Suggestions are more then welcome,



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Hi Mirko,

I think you are referring to the problems described above to open a report with specific selection parameter values, such as &param.Selection.P_ACCOUNT=’1000010′, isn't it?
Solving this problem requires a fix in the report endpoint. We plan to provide this correction in release 21.08.

All other parameter incl. the option to launch reports with a given selection variant should work as described in my blog post.

Best regards,
0 Kudos
Hi Knut Heusermann,


Correct. the specific selection parameters are needed for the case we are working on, the Variant and View work fine indeed.


Best regards,



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos
Update: Correction of the endpoint to launch ByD reports with SSO.

I corrected the endpoint for SSO to "myXXXXXX-sso.sapbydesign.com/sap/ap/ui/runtime"  (w/o "public").

Example: Launch report "Account Details" with SSO:

0 Kudos
Hi Knut, hi community,

Does someone know if it is possible to use fields from the additional filters as a parameterized selection parameter?

&param.Selection.<Selection Parameter from the additional parameters section in the report viewer>

The report viewer does not show any technical names for these additional parameters. But maybe there is a trick to still be able to use it (I also checked the OData Report metadata, but these parameters do not show up there either).

Thanks in advance and kind regards,

0 Kudos


Could you find the resolution to this?



0 Kudos
Hi Aman,

Unfortunately, I don't recall the exact scenario and customer case where this was needed in September last year, but I remember that we decided to pursue a different option (with a different report I believe).

I would still be very interested in finding out if this is possible, since generally we consult our clients that we can use the same filter parameters from the report viewer for Analytics OData requests.

Best regards,
