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SAP S/4HANA Cloud provides for an automated test tool that helps customers automate their testing during various phases of the project including the Quarterly upgrade. This blog will help you understand the steps to be followed for best practice testing. In the realize phase based on the scope being implemented you will derive the testing requirements from the fit to standard workshop. The testing scope will cover standard process testing and process which are customized. In case of the quarterly upgrade you may refer to the What’s New  and Release Assessment Scope and Scope Dependency tools to know more about the upcoming changes and new releases. SAP release standard automates corresponding to scope IDs. As of 1908 Release there are ~ 447 scope ids and Test Automation Tool  provides for  237 automates. Refer the link to know your scope of testing Automated Test Scripts Index.

Let us see how a standard best practice script is structured in the Test Automation Tool. For example, let us refer to best practice BDG “Sales Quotation”. To access the standard, automates in Test Automation Tool open the app Manage Your Test Process. Search for the “Sales Quotation” under test processes and you would find the standard automates available if the scope ID is active in the system. These automates are maintained by SAP at every upgrade if there are changes. During regression testing customer needs to review/maintain data variants and execute the test plan.

Here the test process refers to a scope ID. Each test process has multiple process step. In this case there are three main process steps. These process steps are also part of the best practice test scripts. The process step which are optional in test scripts may not be part of the standard automates. In such case you need to adapt the automates. At this step you can edit the standard automates only to add business role for the role-based testing. This does not change the type from standard to custom.

Click further on the process step.

Each of the process steps has set of actions recorded by SAP on the apps, hence first step starts with accessing the app. Each process step will be linked to one app.

  • Action ID defines the sequences in which the process step will execute.

  • The optional action defines the step optional during execution i.e. If there is failure on that step the automate execution will still process. This is available on standard automates as not all step may be applicable to all the customers.

  • Action types is the activity performed on the app specifically on the fields available on screen like input, click and so on.

  • Labels are the field names available on the app.

  • Values are the details provided in the input fields. In standard script these are provided by SAP. The values may not be available in your system as it’s based on company model data. You can create data variants on test plan level to execute these automates with your own set of data. Some of the values has variables instead of actual values e.g. $TODAY- This variable means that whenever the scripts execute it will pick up current date. This is done so that same automate can be executed multiple time.

-Please note as this is standard automate there is no option to edit or delete any step. If a change is required at this level, you will have to change the type of automates from standard to custom. This way you can adapt the scripts but will have to maintain the automates after every upgrade if there are any changes done on standard. You can refer Blog.

  • Data binding reads out value created as a result of execution of the actions on a process step. These values can be reused as input data in other subsequent steps so that all process steps are linked and executes as a one business process. In this case the first step creates a quotation value, and this is named as SALES_DOCUMENT.

-The value field has the variable “(.*)”. This is defined when we read a value which got generated. In this case sales quotation number is generated due to above action.

-The variable used here also ensures after every re execution of the automates a new number which is generated is read and linked to other process step via data binding.

To understand the linkage of this data binding lets click a back button and access second process step.

Here you can see the same data binding is called in the second process step. The #00001 only refers to the value (data binding) generated from step 1.

If there have been any changes in the next upgrade these standards automates also get updated. For example

  • a new action step could be added

  • existing action step has been removed

  • existing action step is moved to a different sequence

  • label changes

  • changes in technical property, hence suggestion to re-record the step if custom is created

  • any action step has been marked mandatory

  • changes in the process step names

  • changes in the value field

  • changes in the variables

  • application name changes

These details are available on the change history of the app Manage Your Test Process. Customer can refer the change history and update the existing automates