With this blog post series, I am trying to put together CDS views concepts and technology in detail with screenshots so that you can better understand even though you do not have access to S/4HANA system. I will break this knowledge into multiple blog posts with this first blog post as an introduction and index to all others. So let's get started.
CDS stands for Core Data Services. This is the new programming paradigm within new SAP environment specifically S/4HANA systems. CDS views can be created without HANA DB as well but I will focus on an S/4 system with a HANA DB as that is the future road map of SAP .
If you are not new to SAP, by now you might have already explored what HANA brings on the table. In a nutshell, HANA is an in-memory database which enables high speed data processing. With this awesome feature, SAP has tried to put all the logic calculations back into the database instead of the application server as it was done prior to HANA. So CDS views are the new programming design concepts which can achieve
Code-to-Data paradigm which actually means Code push down into the database for processing. CDS is an enhancement to standard SQL technology which runs within ABAP layer which means that the design time objects are created in the ABAP layer and can be transported by regular Transport mechanism with a TR number assigned to each object. The Design Time object is created in database i.e. the HANA DB which enables Code-to-Data shift.
As I mentioned, CDS is an enhancement to standard SQL language, it has all SQL features as below;
- DDL - Data Definition Language. Used to CREATE Table, MODIFY Table etc.
- DQL - Data Query Language. Used to READ data.
- DCL - Data Control Language. Used to configure 'SECURITY'
- Expression Language - Mathematical calculations, conditions Case..Endcase etc.
Let's dive deep into CORE DATA SERVICES..
Part# 2. Create a Basic CDS View: Learn about the default annotations while creating a basic CDS view.
Part# 3. CDS view with Expressions and Session Variable: Find how to configure mathematical expressions and session variables to fetch system parameters.
Part# 4. Consume CDS View in an ABAP Program: Check the new ABAP syntax to consume CDS view.
Part# 5. CDS View Extension: Learn the concept of re-usability within CDS views.
Part# 6. Parameters in a CDS view : Learn how to filter data in a CDS view
Part# 7. How to search for SAP standard CDS Views : Find ways to search for SAP delivered CDS content.
Part# 8. CDS Views - Joins and Associations : Learn to combine data with multiple tables or CDS views.
Part# 9. CDS View - OData Service : Publishing to the outer world : Learn how to create an OData service.
Part# 10. CDS Views - @VDM Annotation: Check the SAP Best Practices for CDS view development
Part# 11. End to End Data Modeling and Reporting with CDS views: Hands on with a complete business scenario for a simple analytical requirement.
To summarize, with above blog posts you are able to understand the CDS views way better than just high level information scattered around all over internet. Its mandatory to learn CDS views to work on S/4HANA systems as a technical expert. Hope you have enjoyed it.
Stay tuned for more on CDS security and other topics.
Keep learning..