Below are the important steps to convert repetitive manufacturing processes into discrete manufacturing processes:
- Delete all the unnecessary demand and run MRP. So that all the open planned orders will be deleted from the system.
- Finish all the production bookings in MFBF, so that there's no more cancellation. Ensure all the reprocessing records are processed successfully that are lying in MF47(if any).
- Coordinate with costing team to process Overhead calculation/ WIP calculation/ Variance calculation & Settlement of the product cost collectors.
- Set the deletion flag for the product cost collector in KKF6N once the cost balance is zero.
- Uncheck the ‘REM Allowed’ indicator in the production version and Save the production version.
- Select the required production version and delete.
- Remove the REM profile, REM allowed indicator, and Action control from the material master for which REM to Discrete conversion is required.
- C223- Not able to delete the production version.

MF47- Clear the COGI/ Post processing error.

3. MF45- Clear reprocessing components: Rep.Manuf.(Cross checking)

Order settlement process
KKAS- WIP Calculation

Maintain below input data and click execute.

KKS6- Variance calculation.
Maintain below input data and click execute.

KK87- Actual settlement- product cost collector.
Maintain below input data and click execute.

Master data changes
KKF6N change – Product cost collector.
Edit> Deletion flag> Set and Save.

C223 or MM02- MRP4 Production version.
Uncheck Rem allowed, remove production line, click continue and save.

9. Select the relevant production version, click the
delete button, and save.

10. MM02- MRP4 View

Uncheck Rep mfg,
remove rem profile,
remove action control, and save.

Please comment on an additional information if we have any.
Thanks and Regards,