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During your mapping session with your client, you identify all the fields from source accounting tables for header & line items which are in scope. Further, you segregate all these fields based on mapping transformation (mapping Rule) you required in central finance i.e. Clear Data, Mapping Obligatory etc.

Post that you maintain the mapping actions for the fields which are already available as 'Mapping Entity' in Central finance. Fields which are not available as Mapping entity, needs to be configured as 'Mapping Entity' & mapping actions can be maintained after that.



During any CFIN implementation, this is one of the most common scenarios where you wanted to determine mapping or clear certain data for fields where mapping entities are not available.

Not all standard SAP fields are available as mapping entities. However, it can still be created as mapping entity without any ABAP help.

In some of the instances where Business do want to capture the information but want to avoid additional Master data & mapping exercise. We populate the information in any of the SAP text field available in ACDOCA, BSEG, BKPF etc. depending the information belongs to header or line item.

One of the use case is any logistic based information i.e. Material where client want to have material information available in Financial document for Financial Reporting. But at the the same time wanted to skip the effort of Maintaining Material Master & Mapping in Central Finance System.

We use CFIN BADI available to make these adjustment & using these BADI, we populate the Material number in SGTXT or any other available field matching the length of original field & wipe out the information from Material field.


CFIN Enhanced Mapping Configuration

In this step, we'll define global data type for the field 'Valuation Area' where we wanted determine mapping & default value mapping entity is not available for the same.

Note: You can get the field name from SAP tables via SE11 of the standard SAP fields which you want to add as new mapping entity. Also make sure same field is also available in CFIN transfer tables before maintaining it as 'Mapping entity'. If its not available in CFIN transfer tables, during replication, you will not get any information of these fields via transfer table & mapping transformation won't be feasible.

However, you can still add these fields to CFIN transfer table it would require ABAP help. I'll not discuss the custom solution in this blog & will write a separate blog to address any such fields or custom fields with more details.


CFINIMG >> Central Finance: Target System Settings >> Mapping >> Advance Settings >> Maintain Value Mapping >> New Entries

Object Type: DTEL

Global data Type: BWKEY

Client Dependent: X


Save Entries (Ctrl+S)

Using Navigation, mapping can also be maintained.

Maintain Value Mapping

CFINIMG >> Central Finance: Target System Settings >> Mapping >> Advance Settings >> Define Mapping Entities (Enhanced Configuration) >> New Entries

While defining any new mapping entity, always add initial Y or Z to differentiate it with SAP defined values.

Mapping Entity: ZBWKEY

Press Enter

Define Mapping Entities (Enhanced Configuration)

Select Mapping Entity & double click on define mapped fields (Customer)

Structure: ACCIT

Press Enter

Field Name: BWKEY

Save Entries (Ctrl+S)

For any customer defined entry, Structure & field name will be maintained in 'Define Mapped fields (Customer). Define Mapped Fields (SAP Systems) are only meant for SAP defined mapping entities & same cannot be changed.

Define Mapped Fields (Customer)

Go back to main screen.

Type: DTEL

Global Data Type: BWKEY

Save Entries (Ctrl+S)

Define Mapping Entities

CFINIMG >> Central Finance: Target System Settings >> Mapping >> Define Mapping Actions for Mapping Entities >> New Entries

Position >> ZBWKEY

Select Mapping Entity ‘ZBWKEY’ & Double click on Set Mapping Action of Mapping Entity

Define Mapping Action for Mapping Entity

If you want to clear the data coming from source, you can set ‘Clear Data.’

Save Entries (Ctrl+S)

Define Mapping Action for Mapping Entity

Check Mapping entities in Transaction ‘FINS_CFIN_MAP_MANAGE’.

Maintain Mapping (FINS_CFIN_MAP_MANAGE)



If you want to create some custom fields as one of the mapping entities for which you wanted to determine mapping or clear the data based on mapping action, you will require ABAP help to create custom data element/table structure for the same. Post that you can configure the mapping entity for custom fields too.

Note: Please make sure custom fields are also captured in CFIN transfer tables in source. Separate transfer tables are available to append values in source & target i.e. CFIN_ACCIT_APP.

As stated above, I will write separate blog to address this topic with more details. You guys can also suggest topics where you want me to write a blog.

I hope this blog post was helpful for you. Please like & comment.
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