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want to download PDF Attachment as soon as I Create

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

I've Custom Business Object and I'm generating PDF on trigger of Business Object Action,as if now I'm generating PDF and my BO Action is attaching PDF to Attachment Folder, then If I want to see it I go and open it by clicking the link in Attachment.

Now I want to have sceanrio where I Press Generate PDF Button(Will trigger Custom BO Action) which will save my PDF in Attachment Folder and open/download the pdf without going to Attachment Folder.

Accessing Business Object is possible via URL Link. Please refer this Blog ( ) . Please look for Lunch UI via URL section.

Therefore I believe if I'm able to create perfect URL then I'll be able to download PDF Directly.

Please help me......


Nabarun Barua

0 Kudos

Hello Nabarun,

did you already solve your issue?

I have a similar requirement at the moment in my Project.

Would be great if you can answer me.

Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Nabarun,

did you already solve your issue?

I have a similar requirement in my project.

I also want to open/download the pdf and save the file at specific location without going to Attachment Folder.

It would be great and helpful if you can answer me the same.

Thanks and Regards

Swati Goswami

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Swathi,

Sorry, couldn't resolve it. We made client agreeing to have on Attachment.


Nabarun Barua

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Astrid,

Sorry, couldn't resolve it. We made client agreeing to have on Attachment.


Nabarun Barua

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Nabarun,

You need to consider what the target of the download shall be: Remember the ABSL code is running somewhere in the cloud. How shall this code be enabled to download it to your PC? The "local drive" is the drive of the computer hosting the server, not yours.

. Horst

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Horst,

Thanks for Answering, can you please elaborate on this, how the approach should be? In Standard BO we have the Option to download it directly on PC. I have gone through it again and again but couldn't resolve how it is happening.


Nabarun Barua

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Naburan,

Did you use a reuse UI to display the attachments?
I am quite sure that there is also a Download button.

. Horst

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Horst,

Can You please let me know the Reuse UI as the Reuse component shared in the SAP Cloud Application Studio book is for PC use only and my Screen Scenario is on Both PC and Tablet.


Nabarun Barua

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Hello Nabarun,

The owner of those reuse UIs are christian.boehrer and markus.reetz-lamour .

I hope they can provide an answer.

. Horst

0 Kudos

Dear Nabarun,

In the Repository Explorer of the SAP Cloud Application Studio you will find under Reuse UIs the entry "documentlistsmallview" which is enabled for both PC and Tablet and provides a simple list of all Attachments. There is also the entry "documentlist" which is also enabled for both PC and Tablet and provides additional details for selected Attachments.

Best Regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Markus,

Thanks for Reply, is the Reuse UIs "documentlistsmallview" can also be made use for Preview. As the Requirement was as soon as I create PDF and attach it to Attachment via code it should preview the Document.


Nabarun Barua

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