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Hello All,  

Do you juggle between multiple incidents and find it hard to find the right incident? Find out the simplest way to Manage your incident from this Blog! 

Filters are your best saviors when you need, and they are just one click away! Let us learn how to filter out the incidents, save and manage them in SAP ONE Support Launchpad and SAP For ME.  

What does Managing Incidents mean? 

Manage incidents tile gathers and sorts the incidents in one place. It helps you save time and juggling between multiple tiles and tabs. The Filter of this tile not only manages the current incidents but also helps you with the Future incidents in the view.  

Most importantly, you require an S-user ID or a Universal ID to login into the SAP ONE Support Launchpad or SAP for ME. Learn more about S-user IDs here and Universal IDs here 

In this Blog we will look at How to Manage Incidents from SAP One Support Launchpad as well as SAP for Me.  

First up – Let us check out with SAP One Support Launchpad -  

Once you Login to SAP ONE Support Launchpad, you can Click on Manage Incidents Tile 

In the Manage Incident Tile, you see the Status filter is already selected, you can add more as per your requirement.  

  • Status – Frequently, we can observe that the incident moves from one status to another. The status selected in the below image are –

    • Customer Action 

    • Partner Customer Action  

    • SAP Proposed Solution 

A thought might be there why these categories are selected; it is simply because these incidents contain the latest updates made by our SAP experts. These incidents are for you to further check and provide feedback to the expert based on your findings on the incidents. Let us see what the options are you have further –  

    • In processing by SAP 

    • Sent to SAP Partner  

    • Partner Customer Action

    • Pending release 

    • Confirmed  

    • Confirmed Automatically

  • Priority – As SAP defines the incident priorities are categorized as, Very High, High, Medium, and Low. The filter provides you the option you choose one or multiple options to select a particular priority, so that you can find the correct incident. As you can in the below screenshot that we have selected the Very High and High priority for the search. 

  • Last Update – The last update signifies, the recent updates made in the incident. Below are the four options that are visible for you to select among.  

    • All 

    • Within Last 7 days  

    • Within Last 4 weeks

    • Older than 4 weeks 

Good to note that the default filter is selected as within last 4 weeks. Please find the image below.

  • System - SAP ONE Support Launch Pad allows you find the incident via the Systems, so we know that to raise an incident we need to select the affected system. All you need to do is to select the system and the incidents raised under those systems appear for you.

Once the System is selected, you can click on Go, so that the results will appear for you.  

  • Adapt Filters – it helps you to select wide range of options to filter the things for you. The above mentioned were the standard filters that are selected by the SAP ONE Support Launchpad. Per the screenshot you can see that the selected filters/headers are (ticked) and others are not ticked.

Once you have selected the filters, you can then click on OK (at bottom right) to see the changes visible as shown below -  

To save the filter –  

  1. Click on the Drop-down icon 

  2. Click on Save As,

  3. Enter the Filter Name

  4. Further you have the option to set the filter as Default, apply automatically, and to create tile.  

  5. Click on Save.

You will be able to view your Filters and Manage them as per your requirement. 

When you click on Manage, you can do the following –  

  1. You can Search the filters by the names  

  2. Mark them as Favorites.  

  3. Select the Default filter 

  4. Check box on the filter to apply automatically 

  5. Click (x) to delete the filter if no longer in use.  

Here we conclude the steps for SAP One Support Launchpad.  

Let now move to the SAP for ME portal. As mentioned earlier, you need to login with your S user ID or Universal ID. To know more about SAP for ME portal, please check the link here 

Once you Login you should be able to few your Incidents in two (2) places. 

  1. Your Home Page 

  2. Services and Support - Under the Dashboard 

Now, let us check first on the Home Page. To have the cases list in the home page of your SAP for ME, you can personalize by clicking on Edit (pencil) Icon form the top right corner of the page. Learn more about personalization here 

Once the Cases are added in the home page, it should look like the below image.

The Cases List consists of the following status of the cases/Incidents.  

  1. Incidents (Action required): These lists are those cases which are in Customer Action and require your further Action. Typically, the experts would have requested you for additional information, accesses, or reproducible steps.

  2. Solution Proposed (Need Confirmation): These cases are the ones which are proposed with a solution from the experts and developer for the issue description of the cases. You may Confirm the cases, if the proposed solution has worked for you, again this case would be in your queue and would require your confirmation. 

  3. Open Incidents (outstanding Incidents): These Cases are the ones that are open are being reviewed by SAP for solutions. 

  4. No Updates (Within last 7 days): These cases highlight those cases which has not been given any updates since the last 7 days and you may review them and take further action accordingly. 

  5. High Priority (P1 (Priority 1) and P2 (Priority 2) incidents): This consists of all those cases which are of P1 (Very High Priority) and P2 (High Priority) created by you. 

  6. Draft Incidents (Not sent to SAP): These cases are those which are drafted by you, however, have not been sent to SAP.  

By clicking on Services and Support from your SAP for ME Dashboard, you will be able to see the overview as shown below.  

When you click on View Cases, you should be able to view the cases according, to add and customize your filter, follow the above steps.  

Another way to manage your incidents is by clicking on Product Support and Click on Manage Cases as shown below -  

You will be now re-directed to a new tab Incident Dashboard which gives you more information about your Open Incidents, Priority 1 Incidents, and much more.

To view on the incident details, you may click on the cards.  

How to Contact CIC (Customer Interaction Center) 

If you have any doubt about how to find who your Super Administrator is or Account manager details, please contact the Customer Interaction Centre and we will be happy to help! 

If you have any questions, please ask questions in the Q & A using All Questions in Customer Experience | SAP Community and All Questions in Support Services | SAP Community 

Read more Customer Interaction Center blog posts Here! 

Take care! 

Meena CIC Team