Welcome Corner Blog Posts
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The anticipation of the launch of the new modern platform for our community is growing each week.  Members previews of the site are continuing (at SAP Tech Ed Las Vegas, then in Bangalore and Madrid), more Tips in a Minute are released, and blogs about how the project is progressing are being published.

We’ve begin publishing a weekly round-up of feedback, comments and overall community kudos. They are called The NEW SCN: Sharing the Excitement.

It’s published using a cool tool, Storify, where you can tweet and retweet directly into Twitter from the letter, “like” a post directly on Facebook and more. The round-up gathers the best tweets, blogs, articles and more from the prior week:


 Excerpts from Issue #1

Great #SCN Jive live demo at #SAPteched by @ceekim...I ThankYou!


September 21, 2011 at 8:23

the new #SCN will increase productivity, thanks2the#SCNergy team at #sapteched to help provide a curtain raiser to it, testing it was fun


September 21, 2011 at 8:36

New #SCN page will reflect more the power of the SAP Community. Less corporate, more social. @SAPCommNet


September 13, 2011 at 14:08

The New SAP Community Network is Coming... via@youtube http://ow.ly/6zzZ3


September 20, 2011 at 11:15

  • Great feedback from SAP Mentors about the NEW SCN - based on sneak peeks and testing

"This is really going to be a new era for SCN, and I can't be more grateful to Gail, for letting me be part of it...SCN Rocks!" Alvaro Tejada Galindo

SCN look and feel and also the structure seems really user friendly.." - Ivan Femia

"You will feel like you are really socially connected w SCN and would get more addictive than Facebook or G+" - Tridip Chakraborth

"Even in the "raw form" the usability is light years ahead of what we have now." - Stephen Johannes

Here are links to the first three issues published:

Issue 1, Sept 28: http://sfy.co/Hsf

Issue 2, October 4: http://sfy.co/Ikk

Issue 3, October 11: http://sfy.co/Jhq

You can folllow the @sapcommnet Storify page (see directions on the page) to get each week's update: http://storify.com/sapcommnet/

Find all the intro and getting started material available to date in our pre-launch wiki:
