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Product and Topic Expert
Which technologies are most important to SAP developers? What do developers want to learn – and why is this important for their career growth? How do developers want to educate themselves – step-by-step tutorials, videos, in-person events, self-paced learning, or something else?

The 2023 SAP Developer Insights Survey uncovered answers to these questions. The data we collected will help to inform our programs, events, and of course, SAP’s product strategy. The survey also opens an ongoing dialogue and feedback loop with our community of developers.

So, we’d like to extend a sincere “thank you” to all those who took the time to participate and provide their valuable insights.

Four Main Takeaways

Here are the main takeaways from this year’s survey:

  • Developers and architects dominated the makeup of our community: Approximately 74 percent of developers continue to work in application development. However, the proportion of developers designing application architectures continues to grow. This segment has increased to 34% this year, compared to 22% in 2022.

  • When asked to describe their overall SAP development experience, approximately three-quarters of respondents said they were “satisfied” or “very satisfied”: This is the first year we asked a question focusing on sentiment. We thank you for your input, you set the bar high and will continue improving.

  • Respondents reported an increased interest in low-code/no-code products: We found a dramatic increase in both interest and use of low-code/no-code products since conducting the 2022 survey. This was noted across all vendors included in this survey.

  • Developers are returning to traditional office space: Roughly one-third of respondents reported that their primary work location was outside the home. One-fifth had shifted away from their home office over the past twelve months.

The survey results might, in the beginning, seem not too surprising, but it is worth digging deeper to detect what it means to be a developer and what to tackle next. I encourage you to explore whether there are any other interesting trends you see for your projects and your career.

The survey data can benefit you or your organization. Check out the 2023 report and view past survey reports for additional context.

If you have questions about the results, or thoughts you’d like to share, drop me a comment, and let’s keep the conversation going!