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Active Contributor

How Do You Measure a Decade in the Life of a Community Manager?

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes.

Five hundred twenty five thousand  moments so dear.

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes.

How do you measure, measure a year?

Five hundred twenty five thousand  journeys to plan.

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee, in inches, in miles, in laughter and strife.

Or so goes the song.

It’s been quite the journey:

  • 16 years of working for SAP = a little over 8.5 million minutes of being an SAP employee
  • 10 + years of working with the community = 5.25 million minutes of community management, engagement and facilitation

It’s been a privilege to work for and with this amazing company and community.

I'm delighted to share that I have decided to start a new chapter in my life and will be retiring from SAP at the end of March.

Some of the ways I intend to stay connected and active:

  • Continuing community mentorship and engagement
    (and hosting visitors!)
  • Taking a seat on an SCN advisory board
  • Following and enjoying old and new members here

Serving you and learning from you all has been one of the most rewarding seasons of my  life.

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Wow!  What can I say?  I don't doubt for one moment that you will miss a beat in the community.  But it will still be quite a bit empty without you here. I am excited for you Marilyn and I can imagine how much fun you are in for.  I am truly blessed for having met and worked with you.  You've left an indelible imprint in my head and certainly in my heart.

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Thank you Charrele.  I admire the spirit and talents of the team I leave behind....but will continue to engage and follow their work.  Good to see regeneration and growth and evolution.  Have never lost the childhood wonder and love of new things.  Enjoy your creating and implementing them!

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Does not sound like a farewell, so I am happy that you can continue with the fun without having the burden.

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Marilyn - congratulations to you and glad you are not totally leaving us :smile:

Thank you so much for all you have done for me (personally) and the community.


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It has been my supreme pleasure to work with Marilyn for the past 4+ years. She is one of the most genuine people I have ever met and she has taught me a lot, not only about work but about life in general. I'm thrilled that she's going to continue some involvement in the community, especially in a strategy advisory capacity.

Now off to your next exciting journey, and those beautiful grand babies!!



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Wishing you all the best life has to offer Marilyn!

Active Contributor
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Better than becoming a burden, right? :wink:

Timing is all.  And although I'll need to be "merged" for my 2.0 version, I'm glad virtual makes keeping engaged fairly easy.

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And Tammy, I continue to learn from you all the time, so thanks for the kind words.

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HI Marilyn.  What a shocker, but it has certainly been a pleasure working with you.  I wish you the best.

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It kind of feels strange to "Like" this farewell blog, but I hope, you can and will stay visible here with us, because you are such a big part of SCN and for what it stands for me.

I hope, the next chapter is all you wished it to be! :smile:

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The pleasure has truly been mine.  Our team (historically, too) has always included the feistiest bunch of characters that ever challenged a manager.  To have someone manage us while always having our feisty backs, well it's really a gift to us, your team. May all your hard steering work bear productive fruits.   (Expert cat herder that you are :razz: )

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Seasons of Like?  (I know, the song is a bit sappy, pun intended).  I love engaging with this community and will keep the verb in present tense.  I'll be watching you!

Former Member
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You will be sorely missed around here, but any time any of us are in doubt about the correct course, all we will have to do is continue to ask ourselves, WWMD (what would Marilyn do?), and the kind, inclusive, empathetic, and fair alternative will reveal itself.

Thank you for all you have done for us. Best wishes in all of your new adventures!


Former Member
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Dear Marilyn,

Despite our occasional squabbles about points you have always been very supporting in the past decade and also tolerant in particular.

I won't say that you will be sadly missed because I am sure that you will still be around and stay in contact.

See you around and all the best for your next adventure!


Active Contributor
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Thank you Julius. I've been called worse than tolerant. :twisted:

I think you will find we are closer on the points topic than you think!

See you....

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Thanks Gretchen. It's comforting to know you all have my back.  I'm excited and a little scared too if truth be known.

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thank you Bonnie. Fun to think about what life does offer :-).  I'll continue to do that.

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It's the theory of impermanence.  Nothing is forever.  That's good too.

Former Member
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I always suspected that there are many folks who have not come out of the closet yet about their pointiphobia... 🙂

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  Not even sure where to begin...words can not really describe all you mean to this community (and I am sure many folks have not idea how much they have to thank you for work "behind the scenes" that never gets the spotlight) and all you have given back. You will be sorely missed, but I hope your inspiration and kindhearted, thoughtful ways remain forever interwoven into the very fabric that makes up this "little" blip on the interwebz called SCN. Enjoy the next chapters in life that have yet to be written (though I am sure you have a rough outline in mind. haha) ALL RESPECT!


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You have no idea how much you make me smile :-). Instead of tree hugging, a hug for you Julius, the point-slayer.

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One of my favorite trouble-makers (the good kind). So really moved by your lovely words.

Better than the proverbial "watch" and goodbye party!

Active Contributor
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Not sure what to say - happy and sad at the same time. Blessed too. You rock!

Community Administrator
Community Administrator
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Marilyn, it has been a pleasure working with you, and I thank you for all the guidance you have given me since I joined the team. I have admired your wisdom, empathy and passion and am so glad you will continue to be connected to this community. Enjoy the next season:)

Former Member
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All round hugs and stay in contact!



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I take some comfort in your continuation of involvement in the SCN Community - which has benefited from your wisdom in countless ways.  You have made a huge difference in so many lives - and I am sure that will not stop.  You've helped us find better ways to add to conversations, learn how to Fail, learn how to use empathy among so many other things.

I, personally, have been blessed with your friendship. 
Whatever your roles are in the future, I know it is bright. 
Gawsh, I feel like quoting 'Oh the places you'll go' so maybe this is just a graduation for you. 

Mazel tov,


Active Contributor
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Dear Marilyn,

  thank you very much for all you have done for this community and specially for me. You helped me to face personal challenges and grow, always with kindness, empathy and respect. It was such a pleasure to meet you, to have the chance to be with you for a few days every year. You inspire many of us. It's very nice to know you will be around.

I hope we can meet again soon and wish you all the best in your next chapter.

Former Member
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happy that you are going to stay around! Thank you so much for all you did to the community!!!

Active Contributor
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My Dad said that once he retired, he no longer had any need for a watch. :wink:

Active Contributor
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Hey. Waiting for a visit to the mentor basement. You know the drill.

Active Contributor
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Humbled by your kind words. You are so modest. Love watching you blossom here.

Active Contributor
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Dear Sue,

Honored to call you a friend.  You are going to be with us virtually at the Data Viz Event in Bangalore.  You know that, right?

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Let's create some new themes.  You are a born leader. (the modest kind)

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I am truly blessed for having met you. You opened my eyes, helped me become broad minded and better human being. I don't believe we ever had long conversations; you made a lasting impression on me however. Thank you Marilyn.

Active Contributor
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Thanks Eduardo.  Keep all that good spirit going ....the Brazilian community adds a special spice.

Active Contributor
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As this was a short post, I graded the person instead of the content - 5 stars - Exceptional!

Active Contributor
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Bala! Too kind. You obviously are an educator at heart. Loved the way you brought your children and exposed them to Technology (ours specifically).  I'll be thinking of that as I do some volunteer activity tomorrow with an Innovation Prep School in New Jersey and some young high school girls.  Our industry holds many attractions in so many unique ways.  I was impressed by your dedication to engage not only your son but your daughter.

Active Contributor
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Yep.  This is short of content.  But full of emotion.  Thanks for the recognition.  It means a lot coming from you, Matt.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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my reaction too... WWMD is going to remain as a common sanity check!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Wow. I saw the heading late last night and didn't read the content. Bit of a shock! I share the same reaction as most here: glad to hear you will be staying in some capacity

WWMD has been one of my approaches to deciding when to take direction, when to guide and when to lead.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to virtually work with you.  I hope to one day meet you in person :smile:

Good luck in the next chapter



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Too much of what I want to say has been said by others already (and better than I could say it anyway).

So I'll just leave it at Thanks for your inspiration and wisdom.


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Hi Marilyn,

I've got nothing new to add here, it's all been said already.

It's a sad moment, though it had to come eventually. I had to think twice before hitting the "Like" button, but Matt said it well: it's more about the person than about the content.

Thanks a lot for setting an example (THE example really) of good community behaviour, influencing myself and so many others on SCN.

Also thanks for the wonderful non-techie side events at SAPTechEd. These really made all the difference to me.

Best of luck in the next chapter of your life!


Active Contributor
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It has reminded me that post of Laure Goodbye… For now! :sad:

Wish you all the best for your new chapter of life. Keep in touch to this community.

Active Contributor
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Hi Marilyn,

I wish you the best for the next chapter of your life and it is great to hear you will still be around.

I have always wondered in terms of leadership and succession planning, how will SAP groom a candidate to continue the work Marilyn does when Marilyn moves onto other pastures one day ?

You are a really tough act to follow - let's hope your successor can at least be a part of what you are 🙂

How many of us can say, we wouldn't be what we are in this community or do what we do in this community if it wasn't for Marilyn ? Count me in that list.

Would this community be what it is if Marilyn hadn't been there ?

Best regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Can't bring myself to click "like" on this post, it just wouldn't feel right - SCN will never be the same...

THANK YOU for all that you have done for the community, and PLEASE stay in touch!

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I knew I would not be able to convey everything you've(& SAP) done in words. Your response proved me right. Yes, my son 3-4 years ago as college freshman experienced corporate life for 24+ hours attending InnoJam conducted by anne.hardy, juergen.schmerder among others. He fell in love with California, did his next two summer internships in Cal and finally landed a job there. He is having a great time in San Francisco. He felt home attending InnoJam. I am sure I would remember that trip, event, people who organized it for long time to come.

My daughter who had no inclination to do engineering ended up doing engineering. She is a sophomore in college, and she is enjoying Engineering and she is glad she chose engineering. What did change her mind? I can not tell for sure because she has not explained it but I know I started sharing your thoughts/session on WIT when she was sophomore in high school and the transition from "dislike to like" for engineering happened after I started sharing your thoughts on WIT. So yes, you, SAP and few other people I met few years ago had a significant impact on me and my family. Thanking you is not enough. I need to find ways to pay it forward and I will.

Like others mentioned, I liked the person, not the content:-)

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Oh Marilyn, I still can´t believe you are actually doing this 🙂 We haven’t worked together for very long, but you very quickly moved to a special place in my heart and it is evident that you had the same impact on so many others. I would say that all the comments here are the answer to your title question: How do you measure a decade in the life of a community manager? All the love and appreciation for your contributions to the community and to the people that had the privilege to meet you on this journey is the footprint that you leave behind. That is one powerful result of a decade as a community manager if you ask me! We will miss you but I know you will not be far, so we will not say goodbye but Auf Wiedersehen!

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Just :shock: and :sad: for SCN. A :smile: for you and thank you.


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I am always with you virtually.


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Marilyn, I am obviously more than shocked to see this. You have touched so many lives that could never be counted. Personally, knowing you and even getting the opportunity to be with you via design thinking workshops etc. has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I am certainly better because of you.

I don't even remember no. of times I have used your name among some of the great women who can inspire us. Hoping to remain in touch!

