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moshe.naveh may not have realized exactly what he started way back in August 2012 when he started this ‘Blog It Forward’ (or #BIF) challenge.  It’s very similar to the term ‘Pay it forward’ – where the beneficiary of a good deed repays it to others (The term was originally coined by Lily Hardy Hammond in her 1916 book ‘In the Garden of Delight’). 

So what did happen? For me, it is a great chance to ‘meet’ new people in the SCN Community, to learn about their life experiences, their dreams, their countries and cultures.  I learned about delicious foods that are special to various #BIFfers, sports that they tried, animals they’ve loved, and alternate careers if this SAP stuff doesn’t pan out.

I suppose the first few #BIFers may have felt a bit tentative.  I know I did, even though (technically) nobody actually BIF’ed me. How much do you really share, who is going to read this drivel anyway.  It turns out that one of the characteristics of our community is that we seem to enjoy learning about others (so it’s not just me).  And the movement keeps growing, every day it seems! 

The photos that were posted were amazing – from childhood candid shots to panoramic landscapes.  Movies and music were mentioned.  Of course there are many mentions of superheroes, ‘classic’ computer systems and other interests.

So to sum it up, Moshe is holding a virtual anniversary party and I don’t know about you, but I certainly plan to be there.

It will be held on September 30th (time and so forth will be published soon) so you can mark your calendars, save your dates.  There is signup form to indicate your interest too.


And for me, I can only thank all of you, and especially Moshe, for giving me the chance to get to meet you.  To show my appreciation, I created a little Animoto with some of the images I captured from a variety of #BIFs. Are you a star in my Animoto?  You’ll have to click, watch and listen to find out. 

Looking forward to celebrating with  you on September 30!