SAP and beauty. You will seldom find these two word in one sentence. Even in one blog post. It's no surprise if you think about the SAPGUI...
Good luck we have the SAP Community! To make things more fun and to create some attention we have to use pictures.
While SAP uses some black/ yellow/ pink colours for their branding
The community uses
For SAP Community events somewhen it turned out to use yellow and the skyline of the city the event takes place. There are some awsome logos:
Visit 🙂
The Netherlands brought the logo creation to the next level:
Arts Exhibition
SAP startet its own arts exhibition with artists in relation to SAP:
Some of the SAP Community members do their own creations and even try to sell it:
SE38 Spreadshirt Shop by
se38 with his famous ABAP's not dead design and the Ironman:
Tricktresor Spreadshirt Shop by
enno.wulff (oops, that's me... 😉
ABAP and Arts
It's not very common to use the SAP system for generating some arts. But there are some samples:
Christmas Tree by
Fraktal Apfelmännchen by
Code Beauty
There is another aspect of arts in code: The art within the code. Clean code is one key word but it differs a lot when someone thinks that code is beautiful - others do think exactly the opposite. It is one thing to see the beauty in the source code lines itself and another one to see the source code as objects.
If you are interested how your code looks like in graphical terms then take a look at SAP2moose, a very interesting project by
Blog post "Software Exploration Tool"
SAP2Moose on github
Code city
Another very interesting project is code city by Richard Wettel. He built something to display code to look like a city map:´
He also uses Moose as graphical platform.
Code Flowers
I do not know how exactly I did this, but somehow I managed to display the code of the
ABAP Kochbuch with
You will need
cloc to generate the input data. And then you can download any github-repository. Or something like this. I do not remember anymore... ;(
Statistics Arts
Maybe this is not really arts, but it's very interesting to see:
lars.hvam created the website where he lists all
abapGit projects. Some time ago he added some statistics where we might come to the understanding that this could also be arts:
You can access the statistics page by clicking on the little A at the bottom (Maybe some time we will see
Code Flowers or other
code metrics visualization at a click...!):
I just don't know why I chose
bfeeb8ed7fa64a7d95efc21f74a8c135 project where he offers all of the code of his
ABAP To The Future must-read-book...
Maybe because Paul also uses a lot of fine arts in his
You can use figlet fonts to make your source code a bit more fancy & happy.
Use 4th option "All_fonts_with_your_text"
Font: jazmine
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Search the Web for "ASCII ARTS"
Art by Hayley Jane Wakenshaw
ooo, .---.
o` o / |\________________
o` 'oooo() | ________ _ _)
`oo o` \ |/ | | | |
`ooo' `---' "-" |_|
There are also tools where you can convert images to ASCII.
You will have to try to get the best compromise between size and quality so that it will fit quite good into your source code. Why not try to adapt your company logo?
```... `...```
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SAP Inside Track
For trying to bait some people to Hannover to the
SAP INSIDE TRACK on May 11th, I tried to adapt the IKEA instruction manuals:
My versions look like this:
This one is dedicated to
Comic Arts
Do you know Blagbert by
alvaro.tejadagalindo3? He used to present the comic strips on but unfortunately this page does not work anymore. So you will have to buy his book
Blagbert 101!
SAP unintended arts
Sometimes I find some artefacts in the SAP system where I do not know whether I should laugh or cry. The most ugly logo ever should be the enjoy SAP logo that can be seen in many SAP demo reports
But here is some more:
In german we say: "Ist das Kunst oder kann das weg?" (Is it arts or can I throw it away?)
The End Of Arts
Hopefully not! At least creating arts is quite easy as this manual prooves:
It is nothing else then programming. You begin with the first steps, the basics and after having done everything you have the stunning result:
So don't be shy and present you SAP related or community related creations!!
I hope you enjoyed my little ride through the ABAP and SAP Art Gallery!
PS: If you find some hidden adverts, don't be shy and click on it...