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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Search: What people default to when all else fails.  In addition to the community, universal search has also been upgrading and migrating its technology and structure.

Late last year there was a push to move the universal site search to SAP HANA infrastructure to improve performance. This is why there aren't so many down times anymore.  Now, as of this morning, we're updating the taxonomy and added additional sources to bring the search now only available through the SCN Open Beta closer to a final state.

In addition to SCN Open Beta sources that were already in search providing blog posts and questions, you'll now also notice these additional Types:

  • Pages from SAP.com (Global) and the Community Wiki
  • Discussions from the future archive
    • ℹ We're slowly incorporating the millions of discussions, starting with recent and most used threads
      • 11 August 2016: Archive 70% indexed
      • 22 August 2016: Archive 90% indexed
      • 12 September 2016: Archive 109% indexed (target exceeded)
  • Documents from the future archive and SAP.com (Global)
  • Videos from SAP.com (Global) and OpenSAP
  • Many Support Notes and KBAs (search for a KBA/Note number!)
  • Press articles from SAP News (Global) (Some of these are pretty good reads, actually)
  • People profiles (coming end of August)
    • Available as off August 19

We also hope to soon at pages from SAP Help and SAP Training courses in the near future as they become available.

Those that are familiar with the universal site search will also notice some changes with the filters which have been streamlined.  Sources have been removed and the number of types simplified: from 25+ Types and Asset types to just 9.  There's also Date (created or last edited), Industry and Language.

This is a beta and I know there's still lots of work to do.  The team's immediate short term goal was to get this search experience working with the expanded range of sources to begin getting user feedback while we continue to work on the UI and appearance of the search results along with the ranking of them.

And that's where YOU come in! Yes, tear is apart and let us know what you think:

  • The quality of the search results (not just quantity)
  • The appearance of search results
  • The UI
  • Using the filters
  • Performance (e.g. load time for results)
  • Any failed searches (no results)

Create a new discussion thread in this space tagged with site_search for your feedback.

ℹ Just remember: Queries with 2+ terms are better than those with only 1...and wildcard searches don't count :wink:

https://onedx.find.sap.com/ or accessible from the header of SCN Open Beta sites.

Jason with help from the Search Team, who deserve most of the credit.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


  • People search was activated at the end of last week (August 19)
  • As of August 22, the indexing of the discussion archive reached 90%
Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Perhaps the site_search tagging and easy access to create a new discussion could be added to the Open beta space page like feedback and bugs - it should draw more visibility to your request.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Jason,

So I would expect with 90% of the Discussion archive indexed, that my Search results should return approximately 90% of my detailed search from the custom Google search, correct?

I will test it with the current SCN Search, custom Google search, and the 1DX search and compare the results.  Now I have to remember where I logged my last search results...

Thanks, Mike

SAP Technology RIG