Member since ‎2022 Mar 08

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In the workflow inside there three event creator which is the following: I am not sure what happening it is run normally in the testing server: But the changed event is not trigger in the live server and I not sure where still can I check as a...
Normally when I execute the tcode SOSB, the status bar able to show normally about the summary of the status : However when i referesh, the status string is missing and I am not sure what is happening: Do anyone here can help to assist or give...
I make so logic on delivery and it causes the weight decrease, I am unable to reverse the change, any expert know the ways to reverse the change on the delivery note in vl02n? As the below picture show, it changes from 749.710 to 0.948 how can I ...
I have performed inserting of data into a table. However, there is another requirement which is the table required data including created by, created date, and create time. How can I insert my data with the default username, default date, and defau...
How to create authorization checking with tcode? I have tried many ways like creating transaction ZSDI_DRIVER_INFO and ZSDR_DRIVER_INFO during in tcode se80 and assigned the authorization object (F_BKPF_BUK) to the respective tcode. But nothing ch...