How can I use quantity-dependent setup times in the routing at operation level? Wie kann ich im Arbeitsplan auf Vorgangsebene mengenabhängige Rüstzeiten verwenden?Example: a 5-minute set-up must be carried out every 100 parts. How can I take this int...
How can I change material master data with change number (CC01) to a specific date in the funture?
Transaction MM02 --> Change number with date 01.05.2023 not possible. SAP system says :
Valid-from date 01.05.2023 is in the future
Message no. ...
I get, after using FC CS_CL_S_MAT_BOM_CREATE_BY_COPY, return code ( sy-subrc ) EQ 14 ( = input incomplete ).
The values that I use are :
CALL FUNCTION 'CS_CL_S_MAT_BOM_CREATE_BY_COPY' EXPORTING i_key_date_s = sy-datum i_stlty = MAST-STLTY i_stl...
Hi community, we have a problem with BDC programming at transaction CS01. After "Select All" and "Copy" the transaction switch to the BOM head and here we get the error message "Fill in all required entry fields". The field RC29K-STLST is definded as...
But : How can I have more flexibilty in routings? Because I can have only one formula in work centers! In other routings with that work center I have only setup-time if I start to produce....
I found the problem :In FC CS_CL_S_MAT_BOM_CREATE in FCCS_CL_S_MAT_BOM_CREATE_BY_COPY exists a query with this coding :if not c_bom_class_data-stlan is initial. if i_stlan ne c_bom_class_data-stlan.
message e853(29) raising input_incomplete....