It looks like AFIP is giving us back an unexpected error.
AFIP nos está devolviendo un error inesperado.
The invoice we are trying to report is "export" and in the error log of the export monitor we get this message:
La factura que que estamos ...
Dear Community,
We use the standard intercompany process:
PO - Inbound/Outbound Del. - SD Invoice (with RD04) => automatic MM Invoice due to Inbound iDOC.
Currently, let's say that in OBCD we have customized that...
If SD tax indicator is...
Dear Community,
With some customers we agree to reserve stock (big quantities) for them in our own premises to be delivered in small quantities as they require.
In exchange for keeping the stock in our premises, we bill immediately th...
Dear Community,
At creating a Sales Order, at selling “trading goods” the user indicates the material and which way will be sold, purchased and delivered indicating manually an item position “3rd-party” (TAS) or an “individual purchase order” (TAB)...
Dear Community,
In a standard process of "Sales Order - Outbound Delivery - Invoice" with material with batch management, after we indicate the batch at the outbound delivery and do PGI we can bill and the batch number is inherited by the invoice a...
Hola Gabriel - sí!Supongo que te respondo muy tarde... el tema es que AFIP entró un nuevo chequeo. Esto afecta a facturas en moneda extranjera y AFIP chequea que el tipo de cambio sea el que ella marca - en su página web.A esta altura deben haber c...
Dear Siow,I can tell you that a colleague (back then when I had the doubt) found an answer to that question in You'll find a "oss note" explaining that you need to use several BP numbers as we did in the old transactions.B...
You were completely right. I have to check exactly what is that is changing my "Z3" strategy to "KEB" (ind. PO) = most probably the item cat.
Gonna check and let you know.
Great help.