The drop-in replacement has been developed to enable the SAP Desktop Office Integration (DOI) to run on more platforms and operating systems. The SAP Desktop Office Integration is a solution for application developers to integrate Office products lik...
Hi Hock,the SAP note 3386113 only contains the import part of the Office integration for SAP GUI for HTML. The export functionality is not available as a downport, because it has dependencies to the XCO XLSX library which is only available with S/4HA...
Hi yasu_ramaiah,here are the answers for your questions:Q1: we don't support decrypting of excel file. Q2: There are no further configuration steps needed. Can you please create a ticket for the component BC-SRV-OVY-IMP and attach the excel file you'...
Hi Abhishek,
unfortunately we don't have a solution for editing and saving documents. We couldn't think of a technical solution to get it working purely for web based applications. In the past the ActiveX technology from Microsoft could be used, but...
Hi Andras,
for the next SAP_BASIS release we've done the adaptation in the function module TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP to work in SAP GUI for HTML. We could do the downport and then the customer wouldn't need to adapt or change the program which is usin...
Hi Andreas,
I've talked to the developer of the function module TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP and theoretically it would be possible to also do a downport of the adoption for this function module. In newer releases we've already executed the adoption, but...