Member since ‎2011 Nov 26

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The Initial View editor in Lumira Designer is one of the mostly used features. However, haven't you wished you could create calculated measures there? Or add a measure filter, define a BEx exception? Apply some complex filter? There are so many coo...
Maybe you like SAPUI5 like I do. Then for sure you know the great SAPUI5 sample and documentation pages SAPUI5 Explored or SAPUI5 Demo kit. There you can easily browse though all available SAPUI5 controls and documentation about all properties and fu...
In my previous posts about dynamic apps in Lumira 2.1 I have missed another cool feature. In the first part about the Components API I have skipped the functions createBinding and getBinding. They allow you to bind properties a almost any component t...
Dimension members are one of the basic concepts in any analytics application. Every analytical app, dashboard or self-service tool contains member lists: inside of a Crosstab, on a chart axis or legends, on a filter control and so forth. Therefore o...
In the first part of my little blog series on dynamic Lumira apps, I have shortly explained the Components API that allows to create components dynamically. However, this doesn’t help a lot if you don’t have a way to create components based on your a...