Member since ‎2014 Mar 07

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  • 27 Posts
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Hi Lumira Experts, I am looking for hints or experience how to apply BEx exceptions from a Query used as DS in Lumira Designer at runtime using script. I found the method "setConditionalFormatActive()" using parameters "ID" and a boolean expression...
I currently copy a color set to a pie chart that is generated at runtime, from a hidden "template pie chart" using Components.copyProperties(). This works fine in a project where we use Designer, but it does not work in another Project where ...
I have the following situation: Bex Query with four measures in the rows, only the first one has an active hierarchy with 6 levels, which is expanded to level 2 by default. No changes to this in the Lumira DS. The crosstab shows the hierarchy as de...
In some cases of the filterbar component implementation in my apps, I am missing the names of the measures in the filter overview panel and in the bar, after selection. It seems to depend on the query, but I can´t see any difference between those,...
The function used to be available in earlier versions of Lumira and Design Studio but now disappeared from the column context menu(design time). If anybody knows why or if there is another way to get the same results, thanks for posting!