Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
Member since ‎2004 Jun 16

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The technical background and rules for the merge process of authorizations are documented in SAP note 113290 - PFCG: Merge process for authorization data maintenance   To illustrate the described rules, here are some simple examples, which will he...
go to SAP Answers.Etner a search expression into the search field .in my exmaple I enter SECURITY:now press the search icon. Result is:It says,'Treffer gefunden' but no hits were found.....Even more strange, using the 'show more ' button seems to dis...
Looking for trouble shooting help? Please refer to the trouble shooting document at the Security and Identity Managment WIKI page: Direct Link to the   CUA  - Troubleshooting guide
I open this thread only to make you aware about SP note 2086293 , which provides additional functionality which was requested from many sides already:- the posssibility to see immediately, what has changed during the merge of authorizations- mass mai...
To avoid dataloss, unexpected results, some actions have to be performed as preparation already before starting the upgrade.Before the Upgrade:First repair any inconsistent data still in the old release: Use report SU24_AUTO_REPAIR with all available...