Hi!So, I calculated a field to look for "100" in a cell. This will return "true" if there is a "100" and this seems to be working fine.Next, I tried making a simple IF calculation to return "100" if the look-up value is true. I can save the formula b...
I have these dimensions and want to only get the numbers after "_" :Test_Business_100100Test_Corporate_100100Test_Region_Business_50/25/2550/25/25Test_Region_Business_50/5050/50Test_Region_Corporate_50/5050/50
I am trying to get all vacant positions for Succession Planning and ideally, a table for export of all vacant positions and positions with incumbent as of date in one table.I thought that filtering for Incumbent name = Null would get me all vacant po...
I know this is available in Advanced Reporting, but in Stories, I only found "Direct Reports".If it's not available in Stories, any workaround on how to get the total team size?
I have a cross-tab table of terminations, and each employee has duplicates even though all fields are the same.I do not have a Time Filter in the data source to pull all Events (for terminations and hires)In a Summary table, I am getting the right t...