Hi,I followed thread but was unable to disable animation.I need to update the chars data very frequently so animation makes the chart worthless...I tried to "switch" animation off using:
var oPlotArea = oBarChart.getPlotArea();
Hi,With all the new additions in ABAP 7.40 language, I can't manage to append a new line with values to an internal table in a single line??This works:
DATA: lt_users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF usr03. " User address
DATA(ls_user) = NEW usr03( bname = '...
Hi,We use SAP MRS on top of our HR box. (sorry, I am not a SAP MRS expert so bear with me please....)As we activated PA-PD integration, whenever a Work Center (otype A) is assigned to an employee (otype P), it updates the Infotype 0001 accordingly (P...
Hi,I need to generate an image from text (initials of an employee) as a fallback when employee has not uploaded his/her photo. (Similarly to what is done in Trello for instance).Do any of you guys have been down this path?My approach so far was to ca...
Hi,I use Enterprise Search in a Talent Management solution.I have numerous errors when indexing but it falls into these 2 messages:17.12.2013 18:30:43 Object type name:HRTMC_REL_S_O_00317.12.2013 18:30:43 Connection GUID:0050568400B81EE399E7B8DC62E96...
Hi,As you entered a notification number (NOTIF_NO), I think the BAPI is automatically generating an operation from the notification details with activity number '0010'.Either specify no operation OR change your operation details to '0020'.Would gladl...