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SAPUI5 SmartChart with CDSView Annotations is not Displayed

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Hello everyone,
I am pretty new to the SAP environment and couldn't find a suitable solution to the following problem in the community forum or using the samples/templates/API docs or SAP books, thus I am asking this question.

My Problem: I created a CDS-View with Annotations (for a table and a chart) and linked it using my service to a own SAPUI5 application. While the SmartTable is created without any problems, the SmartChart is giving me the following error:

I looked up the error and it seems like something is not correct in the annotations file. However, I couldn't find an error and since it is auto-generated from the CDS-View Annotations I am a little confused (furthermore the SmartTable is working and I can add/change UserText Annotations without any problem).




Furthermore, when I use the created CDSView wit a standard SAP template (e.g. in cards in an Overview Page Template) it works just fine.
For any solutions or hints I am super thankful since this is bothering me a lot and I don't understand why the SmartTable is working but the chart isn't.
Thanks in advance!

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