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SAP Work Manager. Changing the screen in Eclipse does not change the screen in a real application.

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Hi All

We use

- Eclipse SDK  Version: 4.2.2  Build id: M20130204-1200

- Agentry Editor Plugin

when I try change data in a Screen and publish it I see the old unchanged version of the Screen.

Can anyone explain why?

I restarted SMP and Reset SAP Work Manager.

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Hi. I am reviewing your statement above and we are not sure if you have progress since your last visit to our SAP Community Network.

Let us take your case and review it.

You stated:

1) You modified the Eclipse screen design.

2) You published in production and sync but the device is not showing changes.

What we are stating:

1) Let us assume that you have a prior design (Which is the one showing) loaded in memory or the share. Whenever you publish, there is a likelihood that the old data is still the one stored in SMP.

To fix this: You will need to show a number change (A modification) in your published application.  Let us say you have SAPWM-1-0-1.agpz as your application prior file.  Then with your new change you still have SAPWM-1-0-1.agpz defined.  The actual number did not increment so the system will not detect a change.

So first make sure you have incremented the actual published number (Major, Minor or Modification ApplicationName-Major-Minor-Modification.agpz).  Once you have establish that you have published a new modified number in the SMP 3.0 cockpit, you need to go to settings and click Agentry App restart.  Make sure you do not choose to restart the SMP Production Server but choose the Cockpit's restart Agentry app server instead.  This will force the prior application to be removed and have the new one ready.  This is from what we documented under:

This is just used as an example: SAP KBA # 2221583 - JavaBE.ini settings not applied (Example SAP KBA article on why a change is not applied) <-- this is just for reference.

This is theory 1.

2) During your sync with the client and SMP 3.0, the logs (if you enable details) should indicate that there are known definition updates. Does the screen that you modified showed in the logs that it was updated?

There is a chance that during updating or publishing of your application the actual definition was not modified at all. To force an update, you may remove any prior application directory that you used and try to republish, you need to see from the editor that all the definition was republished from scratch. + you need to make sure that the number you used is higher than the prior published application.

This should help and this is theory 2.

3) Another thing that could be happening is that your changes is stated to be for Windows. What if your actual device is using iOS Platform or Android Platform before it is using Windows.  So there is a chance that even though you modified Windows platform your client is using the other platform which you did not modify and this is causing what you are seeing on the device.

This can be verified in the actual logs. You need to search what screenset or platform your sync was really using.

To fix this, you may either modify the other platform (iOS or Android) or modify the order of acceptance on the screenset or order screen set ini files (check one of your ini files and determine order) or just check your log files to see what official platform was used during sync.

This is theory 3.

I hope any of our community responses helped you in your endeavor.

Have a great day and update us on what you find out.

Best Regards,

Mark Pe
SAP Platinum Support Engineer

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Please try to delete the field completely (from trash bin also) and create an other field with the same name and data.And also please check the number of rows and columns in the screen.If the screen is designed to only five rows and you try to display six fields, this might not be possible.

Thanks & Regards,

Sravanthi Polu

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Try modifying the screen in screen set "EquipmentTileViewWrapper" instead.


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1) Did you transmit to the same server you published to?

2) Is the server configured for Production or Development Logic (did you upload the zip file to the server when you built the file?

3) Have you tried clearing the client and rebuilding it?

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1) Did you transmit to the same server you published to?

I have one SMP server.

I can't publish it to the server as the server is not in the Microsoft Network.

So I published it to the local folder, then unpack zip file.

I stop SMP server.

then I copy files from local Application folder to the Application folder on the SMP server.

Then I restart SMP server.

Then I Reset Agenrty client and connect to the SMP.


by the way

When I publish from Eclipse it generates only Application folder although when I published using from SAP Market zip file also contains Java folder and *.jar files


I use Production configuration.

I can't clean project and rebuild it. Menus are disabled in the Eclipse.

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The Agentry Application doesn't use the "project" menu.

For the Java files, you only need to deploy new Jar files if you create or update the java.

Can you look at the Management cockpit of the SMP server under the application does it have "Development Server"unchecked?

If so when you did a publish from the editor did you select "Production". The zip file it creates, you need to upload the whole zip file to the cockpit, application -> "App settings" -> Production file.

If the server is using Agentry production logic, any changes made to the files system, is returned to what the database stores when the server is restarted.

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>The Agentry Application doesn't use the "project" menu.

So how can I clear the client and rebuild it?

> For the Java files, you only need to deploy new Jar files if you create or update the java.

When I change project in the Eclipse how can I get know when java was created or updated.

May be better to deploy Jar files always.

How can I deploy Jar files? Eclipse doesn't put Jar files in the zip file.

"Development Server" is unchecked.

When I publish via cockpit I got a second version of Application.

How can I get know which one is active and activate required version.

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So how can I clear the client and rebuild it?

- There is no "Clean" and "Rebuild" option for Agentry.

When I change project in the Eclipse how can I get know when java was created or updated.

May be better to deploy Jar files always.

How can I deploy Jar files? Eclipse doesn't put Jar files in the zip file.

- It is recommend to put the files in the Jar file and then for Production versions upload it to the server with the Application Jar file.

"Development Serlver" is unchecked.

When I publish via cockpit I got a second version of Application.

How can I get know which one is active and activate required version.
- all versions are loaded, and when the client transmits, it will get the newest one.