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Running a dashboard report by any user based off another user's ID

0 Kudos

Good Afternoon,

Im looking for some help on how to setup a dashboard so that a person can view a specific number of other users sale information by selecting their ID. This is how our dashboard works today. We have several reports that run for our supply chain that pull misc data from backorders to open PO's. The way they work today is each report is setup with a filter called 'Buyers'. That buy filter is setup with the statement UserID.UserID = @variable'BOUSERS'. Our UserID is mapped to our CustomerTable where the UserID = CustomerID and accountType = 'BUY'. So if the BO user runs the report and they have the accounttype 'BUY' it pulls their ID which is also their buyer number and returns the data based off their buyer #. For example: if Im a buyer with # 9901, when the report is ran it take my bo login TMH111 - jumps to customer table and compares my bo login with my customerid and pulls my buyer information using the 9901. What we would like to do is give this dashboard more flexibility so that if I am not a user with a buyer ID, I can go into the dashboard and SELECT the buyer ID I want to pull data for and since the rest of the reports are linked to a single report showing the buyer number I could see any buyers report data vs having to BE the buyer logging in to see the data associated with my buyer ID. I apologize if this is a little confusing.

So the ultimate goal is to be able to as any dashboard user, open the dashboard and select a buyer # from the "My Buyer #" block and the rest of the reports on the dashboard would update showing that buyers data.

I have attached a picture of the dashboards setup. You'll noticed there is a small block called "My Buyer Number" all the other blocks would need to be linked to that specific report and show the data for the number selected there. You'll noticed the top left block called "$ on hand" on this report I have removed that Buyer Filter (so its unfortunately returning a SUM of all the buyers information).

We're using BO Edge XI 3.1

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If anyone has any suggestions on how to accomplish this task I would be so greatly appreciated! I have hit a road block on this! Thank you!!!

Former Member
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Hi Tiffany,


If i understood your scenario,You can use prompts in your reports,and based on your prompts reply your dashboard will get the required information and you can show that information in your Dashboard.

Required: Prompts for selection in the reports.

Case2)You can restrict the data by giving conditions to required objects for  all the users.

Schedule the reports and the respected user's wise data you can show in the dashboard.

Here you need to fix the user level restrictions means run time you cannot pass user level restrictions as selections.Since you are going with the scheduling reports.

Required:Profiles and Publications in BO


Venkat P,