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RSMON - Broadcasting Java Error

0 Kudos


I'm having this error in Broadcasts in BI Productive System:

u201CJAVA SYSTEM ERROR: Exception in method processFunctionu201D

- transaction RSMON

- Broadcasting

- Log Display

(the errors displayed are all for Communication-User ALEREMOTE)

Expanding nodes in displayed error:

(red) "Broadcasting was started using process chains (variants Z....)

(red) "Processing package with 1 settings (ALEREMOTE ES)"

"Begin processing of step XPTO@xxx"

(red) "Java system error: Exception in method processFunction." <<<<< ERROR

(this not happens in all steps, but it's the same Java-Exception-Error in each step with error)

I've searched current "defaultTrace.X.trc" log file but found nothing (for error timestamp).

Also searched other logs in /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGSxx/j2ee/cluster/server0/log

Any clue would be nice.

Regards and Thanks in advance


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos


The very first step is to run the Support Desk Tool as per Note 937697. Download the latest version of the tool attached to the note. Ensure that all items are Green by following the solutions provided in the generated file.

After that update the thread again.

