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Cosmos is a decentralized network of independent blockchains which are powered by the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus algorithm. The Cosmos SDK enables the creation of these blockchain applications. In this blog post, I would like to share with you some of these Cosmos SDK functions.

The documentation of Cosmos SDK can be found at

The following code samples were written in Golang and Cosmos SDK v0.45.4.

Code Samples

Initialize New Keyring

The keyring holds the private/public keypairs used for interactions with a node.
import (

func NewKeyring() (keyring.Keyring, error) {
var kr keyring.Keyring
keyringPassword := "password"
runtimeHomeDir := "~/.cosmosHome"
reader := strings.NewReader("")
reader.Reset(keyringPassword + "\n")
kr, err := keyring.New(
if err != nil {
return kr, err
return kr, nil


Create Account

An account designates the private/public keypairs. The public key can be derived to generate various Addresses which are used to identify the users in the blockchain.
import (

func CreateAccount() (string, error) {
keyringPassword := "password"
kr, err = NewKeyring()
if err != nil {
return "", err
algo, _ := kr.SupportedAlgorithms()
signingAlgo, err := keyring.NewSigningAlgoFromString("secp256k1", algo)
if err != nil {
return "", err
uid := genUID()
mnemonicInfo, _, err := kr.NewMnemonic(uid, keyring.English, "", keyringPassword, signingAlgo)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return mnemonicInfo.GetAddress().String(), nil

func genUID() string {
// Generate a string composed of 40 randomized alphanumeric characters.


Create GRPC Connection

Queries can be performed through a GRPC connection.
import (

/* Create a GRPC client connnection with TLS. */
func CreateGrpcConnTls() (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
var grpcConn *grpc.ClientConn
var err error
// Specify the fully qualified hostname and port of the validator node.
grpcHost := "…Hostname…"
tlsCfg := &tls.Config{
InsecureSkipVerify: true,
grpcConn, err = grpc.Dial(
return grpcConn, err

/* Create a GRPC client connnection without TLS. */
func CreateGrpcConn() (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
var grpcConn *grpc.ClientConn
var err error
// Specify the fully qualified hostname and port of the validator node.
grpcHost := "…Hostname…"
grpcConn, err = grpc.Dial(
return grpcConn, err


Get Node Information

Getting the information of a node.
import (

func GetNodeInfo() (*p2p.DefaultNodeInfo, error) {
var nodeInfo *p2p.DefaultNodeInfo
grpcConn, err := CreateGrpcConnTls()
if err != nil {
return nodeInfo, err
defer grpcConn.Close()
serviceClient := tmservice.NewServiceClient(grpcConn)
nodeInfoRes, err := serviceClient.GetNodeInfo(
if err != nil {
return nodeInfo, err
nodeInfo = nodeInfoRes.GetDefaultNodeInfo()
return nodeInfo, nil


Get Latest Block

Getting information of the latest block.
import (

func GetLatestBlock() (*tmservice.GetLatestBlockResponse, error) {
var latestBlockRes *tmservice.GetLatestBlockResponse
grpcConn, err := CreateGrpcConnTls()
if err != nil {
return latestBlockRes, err
defer grpcConn.Close()
serviceClient := tmservice.NewServiceClient(grpcConn)
latestBlockRes, err = serviceClient.GetLatestBlock(
if err != nil {
return latestBlockRes, err
return latestBlockRes, nil

/* Get the attributes */
latestBlockRes, err := GetLatestBlock()
block := latestBlockRes.GetBlock() // Type: Block
header := block.GetHeader() // Type: Header
height := header.GetHeight()
dataHash := header.GetDataHash()
blockId := latestBlockRes.GetBlockId() // Type: BlockID
blockIdHash := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blockId.GetHash())


Get Block by Height

Getting the block information by the height.
import (

func GetBlockByHeight(height int64) (*tmservice.GetBlockByHeightResponse, error) {
var blockRes *tmservice.GetBlockByHeightResponse
grpcConn, err := CreateGrpcConnTls()
if err != nil {
return blockRes, err
defer grpcConn.Close()
serviceClient := tmservice.NewServiceClient(grpcConn)
blockRes, err = serviceClient.GetBlockByHeight(
&tmservice.GetBlockByHeightRequest{Height: height},
if err != nil {
return blockRes, err
return blockRes, nil

/* Get the attributes */
height int64 := 12345
blockRes, err := GetBlockByHeight(height)
block := blockRes.GetBlock() // Type: Block
header := block.GetHeader() // Type: Header
blockId := blockRes.GetBlockId() // Type: BlockID
blockIdHash := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(blockId.GetHash())


Get Balance

Getting the balance of an account address.
import (
sdktypes ""
banktypes ""

func GetBalance(accountAddress, denom string) (*sdktypes.Coin, error) {
var balance *sdktypes.Coin
addr, err := sdktypes.AccAddressFromBech32(accountAddress)
if err != nil {
return balance, err
grpcConn, err := CreateGrpcConnTls()
if err != nil {
return balance, err
defer grpcConn.Close()
bankClient := banktypes.NewQueryClient(grpcConn)
balanceRes, err := bankClient.Balance(
&banktypes.QueryBalanceRequest{Address: addr.String(), Denom: denom},
if err != nil {
return balance, err
balance = balanceRes.GetBalance()
return balance, nil

/* Get the attributes */
accountAddress := "……"
denom := "……"
balance, err := GetBalance(accountAddress, denom) // Type: Coin
amount := balance.Amount


Create Transaction

Creating a transaction is a 2-step process. First, a signed transaction is created. Second, the signed transaction is broadcasted.
func createTxn() (string, error) {
txBytes, err := CreateSignedTxn()
if err != nil {
return "", err
txHash, _, err := BroadcastSignedTxn(txBytes)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return txHash, nil


Create Signed Transaction

The transaction example is to send tokens from account A to account B. For simplicity, some error checking is skipped in the following code snippet.
Import (
cryptotypes ""
sdktypes ""
authsigning ""
banktypes ""

func CreateSignedTxn() ([]byte, error) {
encodingConfig := cosmoscmd.MakeEncodingConfig(catxapp.ModuleBasics)
txConfig := encodingConfig.TxConfig
txBuilder := txConfig.NewTxBuilder()
kr, err := NewKeyring()
// Specify the from account address.
fromAddr, err := sdktypes.AccAddressFromBech32("…From Address…")
// Specify the to account address.
toAddr, err := sdktypes.AccAddressFromBech32("…To Address…")
// Specify the amount of tokens to be sent.
amount := ……
// Specify the denomination.
coin := sdktypes.NewInt64Coin("…Denomination…", amount)
coins := sdktypes.NewCoins(coin)
msg := banktypes.NewMsgSend(fromAddr, toAddr, coins)
if err := txBuilder.SetMsgs(msg); err != nil { return nil, err }
// Specify the fee.
fee := ……
// Specify the denomination.
feeAmt := sdktypes.Coin{Denom: "…Denomination…", Amount: sdktypes.NewInt(fee)}
feeAmount := sdktypes.NewCoins(feeAmt)
// Specify the gas limit.
gasLimit := ……
keyInfo, err := kr.KeyByAddress(fromAddr)
// Specify the passphrase.
exportedPrivateKey, err := kr.ExportPrivKeyArmor(keyInfo.GetName(), "…Passphrase…")
// Specify the passphrase.
privateKey, _, err := crypto.UnarmorDecryptPrivKey(exportedPrivateKey, "…Passphrase…"])
// Specify the from account address.
account, err := GetAccount("…From Address…")
accNumber := account.AccountNumber
accSequence := account.Sequence
privKeyList := []cryptotypes.PrivKey{privateKey}
accNumberList := []uint64{accNumber}
accSeqList := []uint64{accSequence}
/* First round: Gather all signer infos. */
var signatureList []signing.SignatureV2
for idx, privKey := range privKeyList {
sig := signing.SignatureV2{
PubKey: privKey.PubKey(),
Data: &signing.SingleSignatureData{
SignMode: encodingConfig.TxConfig.SignModeHandler().DefaultMode(),
Signature: nil,
Sequence: accSeqList[idx],
signatureList = append(signatureList, sig)
if err := txBuilder.SetSignatures(signatureList...); err != nil { return nil, err }
/* Second round: Signed by each signer. */
var signingList []signing.SignatureV2
for idx, privKey := range privKeyList {
signerData := authsigning.SignerData {
// Specify the chain ID.
ChainID: "……",
AccountNumber: accNumberList[idx],
Sequence: accSeqList[idx],
signMode := encodingConfig.TxConfig.SignModeHandler().DefaultMode()
sig, err := tx.SignWithPrivKey(signMode, signerData, txBuilder, privKey,
encodingConfig.TxConfig, accSeqList[idx])
signingList = append(signingList, sig)
if err := txBuilder.SetSignatures(signingList...); err != nil { return nil, err }
txBytes, err := encodingConfig.TxConfig.TxEncoder()(txBuilder.GetTx())
return txBytes, nil


Broadcast Signed Transaction

Broadcasting a signed transaction.
import (

func BroadcastSignedTxn(txBytes []byte) (string, int64, error) {
grpcConn, err := CreateGrpcConnTls()
if err != nil {
return "", int64(0), err
defer grpcConn.Close()
serviceClient := tx.NewServiceClient(grpcConn)
broadcastTxRes, err := serviceClient.BroadcastTx(
Mode: tx.BroadcastMode_BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK,
TxBytes: txBytes,
if err != nil {
return "", int64(0), err
txResponse := broadcastTxRes.GetTxResponse()
if txResponse.Code != 0 {
return "", int64(0),
errors.New("TxResponse.Code: " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(txResponse.Code), 10))
return txResponse.TxHash, txResponse.Height, nil


Get Transaction by Hash

Getting transaction information by the transaction hash.
import (
sdktypes ""
txtypes ""

func GetTxnByHash(txHash string) (*sdktypes.TxResponse, error) {
var txResponse *sdktypes.TxResponse
grpcConn, err := CreateGrpcConnTls()
if err != nil {
return txResponse, err
defer grpcConn.Close()
serviceClient := txtypes.NewServiceClient(grpcConn)
txRes, err := serviceClient.GetTx(
&txtypes.GetTxRequest{Hash: txHash},
if err != nil {
return txResponse, err
txResponse = txRes.GetTxResponse()
return txResponse, nil

/* Get the attributes */
txHash := "……"
txRes, err := GetTxnByHash(txHash)
height := txRes.Height


Get Account

Getting the information of an account.
import (

func GetAccount(accountAddress string) (types.BaseAccount, error) {
var baseAccount types.BaseAccount
addr, err := sdktypes.AccAddressFromBech32(accountAddress)
if err != nil {
return baseAccount, err
grpcConn, err := CreateGrpcConnTls()
if err != nil {
return baseAccount, err
defer grpcConn.Close()
accountClient := types.NewQueryClient(grpcConn)
accountRes, err := accountClient.Account(
&types.QueryAccountRequest{Address: addr.String()},
if err != nil {
return baseAccount, err
accountData := accountRes.GetAccount().Value
if err := baseAccount.XX_Unmarshal(accountData); err != nil {
return baseAccount, err
return baseAccount, nil


Get Validator Set

Getting the information of the validator set.
import (

func GetValidatorSet() ([]types.Validator, error) {
var validatorList []types.Validator
grpcConn, err := CreateGrpcConnTls()
if err != nil {
return validatorList, err
defer grpcConn.Close()
queryClient := types.NewQueryClient(grpcConn)
validatorsRes, err := queryClient.Validators(
if err != nil {
return validatorList, err
validatorList = validatorsRes.GetValidators()
return validatorList, nil


Type Structs

Type: Block

Block defines the atomic unit of a Tendermint blockchain.

The structure of type Block is defined as:
type Block struct {
Header `json:"header"`

For details, see:


Type: BlockID

The structure of type BlockID is defined as:
type BlockID struct {
Hash tmbytes.HexBytes `json:"hash"`

For details, see:


Type: Coin

Coin defines a token with a denomination and an amount.

The structure of type Coin is defined as:
type Coin struct {
Denom string `json:"denom,omitempty"`
Amount Int `json:"amount"`

For details, see:


Type: Header

Header defines the structure of a Tendermint block header.

The structure of type Header is defined as:
type Header struct {
Height int64 `json:"height"`
DataHash tmbytes.HexBytes `json:"data_hash"`

For details, see:


Type: QueryBalanceRequest

The structure of type QueryBalanceRequest is defined as:
type QueryBalanceRequest struct {
Address string `json:"address,omitempty"`
Denom string `json:"denom,omitempty"`

For details, see:


Type: QueryBalanceResponse

The structure of type QueryBalanceResponse is defined as:
type QueryBalanceResponse struct {
Balance *types.Coin `json:"balance,omitempty"`

For details, see:



I hope the above samples will help kick start your coding in Golang and Cosmos SDK.