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Report header and extended attribute

0 Kudos


I'm using PD 16.7.7 and creating a RTF report on a CDM. I'm creating my report with the legacy editor.

I created an extended attribute on entities and I'd like to add this attribute in the header of my report.

How can I do that, please??


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0 Kudos

Hi Alexandre,

now I see what you mean. And I am afraid, that you are able to insert only those values available under the Insert button. See screenshot header.png. However, the cardinality between ext.attribute on Entity and header on Model still doesn`t match. One model (=one value) vs. many entities (=many values of your extended attribute). You would still need to transform it for example into the extended attribute of a Model. And for Model, you have Name and Code values, which can be inserted into the header. So if you don`t mind sacrifying Model Name or Model Code to your purpose, you can do it. In PD, you can display only Names or Codes at one time, but not both. The only exception is Model properties dialog, but I suppose it is almost not used. Or very little, during the model creation mainly. So here is your hack.


Ondrej Divis

P.S. It is very unlucky, that you cannot reply directly to specific aswer, if you need to attach a screenshot in this new forum... SAP should work on this soon.

0 Kudos


Good idea!

Even it is not the solution I was looking for, I'll take a look if I can apply your workaround.


0 Kudos

Hi Ondrej, 

That's not exactly what I'm looking for.

I want to add Entity information to the header (see screenshot header.png).

Thanks for any advice!

0 Kudos

Hi Alexandre,

you can use Entity Card to display ext.attribute values of Entities. See attached screenshot Entity.png with extended attribute "Attribute_1". You can also modify Model Card to display your customized stuff, but you cannot have any logic there, meaning you probably have multiple entities in your model and your report cannot resolve, which extended attribute of which entity you need to use. So in this case you need to create for example computed extended attribute at the model level and this extended attribute can be then displayed on the Model Card (green parts on the Model.png screenshot) or in separate Text paragraph (red parts on the Model.png screenshot).

However if you talk about modifying the Title page in the Report Properties, possibilities are very limited and I don`t know about any way, how to get extended attributes here. I`d suggest replacing the predefined Home page with your own page.


Ondrej Divis

0 Kudos


It works great!

Thanks alot!