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What is "exactly" on the roadmap for Oauth2 for SAP PO?

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If you see the roadmap you'll see that theorically this year we will have some new features regarding Oauth2.

But we have more details? I'm looking to be able to grant Oauth2 authentication for Rest services published in SAP PO.

Seems that SAP is letting die slowly SAP PO...

Any revelation to announce? 🙂

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Hi Xavier,

we are also waiting, By when SAP will ship; the client-credentials grant flow or JWT authentication SAP PO 7.5 Rest Sender adapter (Not polling). Currently, we are at SAP PO 7.5 SP19, and still, in this SP the JWT authentication & client-credentials grant authentication is not present.

Many of our interfaces are on hold status due lack of client-credentials grant in this SP.

Any idea by when client-credentials grant or JWT authentication will be shipped to which SP ?