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SAPSetup, how do I call uninstall SAPGUI 32bit version?


Hello SAPSetup Guru's

I am pretty new to using SAPSetup.exe and I am having trouble removing SAPGUI 7.70 32bit from our devices via SAPSetup onWindows 10 (OS-19044.3086) 64bit devices.

I can manually remove the previous 32bit SAPSUI version if I open a command promt as admin, change directory and run:

C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP\SapSetup\Setup>NwSapSetup.exe /uninstall /all /DisableRuntimeInstall /NoDlg

I was expecting to be able to be able to remove 32bit SAPGUI via SAPSetup using the below:


' Uninstall Previous SAP intallatios


NwEngine.Shell.ExecuteRC(String cmdline, Bool visible)

cmdline = %SapSrcDir%\NwSapSetup.exe /all /silent /uninstall /DisableRuntimeInstall /NoDlg


NwEngine.Context.Log.Write ""%SapSrcDir%\NwSapSetup.exe " does not exist"

End If

The install fails complaining there can't be both 32 and 64bit versions in red text

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OK now i have a Reply from Support:

Dear Mr. Heckscher,

It is notpossible to perform an uninstall during an installation process using event scripts.

The reason for this behavior is that the uninstall will start a new process of NwSapSetup.exe,
however only 1 instance of NwSapSetup.exe is possible (which is already running for the installation procedure).

What you can try is to use a VBS or windows logon script to perform an uninstall first, and then start the new installation.

Best regards,
SAP Product Support

OK We will start NwSapSetup.exe twice, first for the uninstallation of SAP GUI and then for the installation..