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How to upload data to date "Unassigned" 0000-00-00 in SAC

Hi SAP Experts,

We have a model where we set the default booking behavior for date dimension to "Unassigned".

We are able to save plan data in story to "unassigned" value but when we try to use the upload method to upload data to 0000-00-00. We hit below error.

Kindly advise how we could upload data to 0000-00-00 unassigned date.

Thank you.

Best Regards,


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Today I've found out by accident that it is possible now to upload data into unassigned "000000" date member.

Eventhough my SAC production tenant runs wave 2023.8, the wrangler seems to run on 2023.15 (I see that in the F12 console log!)

How is it possible there is no communication about this and that this is implemented on production already?

Kind regards,


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

I think it's a Java service enhancement instead of regular SAC code enhancement, Java service delivery has it's own cadence.

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Hi william.yu , hmm can you elaborate a bit more?

This is what I see now when starting a new import/wrangling session.
And suddenly I am able to upload to unassigned Date AND facing a bug in Prepare data when trying to delete records with 0 values.

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JefB - I'm actively struggling to get this to work on a deployment. Very unusual to have a member within a model that I cannot load data to... The tenant I am working on is Wrangler version 2024.10.1. Considering the Improvement Request is set to Delivered I am wondering if this is a software defect that my planning model tells me 000000 does not exist.
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hi @edwardwilson, seems to still work on a new/measure model here on my end with wrangler 2024.10.1. Also empty NULL values work to get it on the unassigned member. Suggest you log an incident if still facing issues.