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How to handle Transient Exceptions in SAP Adobe Form

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Hi Experts,

We have case where more than 300 Pages getting generated in SAP Adobe Form, leading to Transient Exception. Is there any possibility to put error message saying, unable to display form, as it reaches this many pages.

How to exit from the form when it is more than n number of pages instead of Runtime Dump or Exception??

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Are Pages created dynamically? Are they only a copy of each others?

There's a limit for pages in ADS. You should use :

Call function FP_JOB_OPEN
Call generated function module
End loop

Or there's the javascript solution, but I don't know your requests.

Hope to help


0 Kudos

Hi Roberto,

Based on number Items in a Table, data is getting flowed to another page dynamically. For Example: 1000 Item details getting displayed in 300 Pages.

We have used the above mentioned Function Modules already, Generated FM is giving SY-SUBRC = 2 with an exception Transient. In other cases with huge data, leading to Timeout issues.

As a solution we want to populate an error message runtime on Adobe Form saying " Unable to Print More than 300 pages, please change the Selection Criteria."

Help us with the same, or any other possible solution in case of such issues to avoid dumps