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final window & copies window?

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hi all

what are the use of final window & copies window ? How they are diffrent from secondary window?

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Final Window

The situation we go for final window is,

You may want to display or query values on the first page that are determined only during processing. For example, you may want to name the grand total in the letter text of an invoice. However, this amount is determined only after listing all individual items. Or you may want to query on the first page within a condition the total number of pages, which the system calculates only after processing all pages.

In such a case, you use the final window: Processing first skips all windows of this type in the tree and works its way to the end of the tree. Only after the actual processing is finished, the final windows are processed in the order in which they appear in the tree (from top to bottom). Now any information is available that is known only at the end of the form processing

Copies window

use the copies window to define an output area for the print output, whose content you want to appear either only on the copy or only on the original

we use this window type only if you want to print copies of your form

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thanx for yu ans. can i use final window to display grand total of pur. order print at the end of main window & i wanted it to get displayed only on last page as main window may flow on several pages ...


Former Member
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yes you can. if you want to use final window to display grand total of pur. order print at the end of main window

do the following

double click the window, and in the condition tab, And Additional event-> check <b>only after end of main window</b>

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