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Error: too many custom pop operator generated

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Hi folks,

I have a view that worked fine in SPS8.  After upgraded to SPS11 it now gives error 'too many custom pop operators'.   I've created message with SAP but just wondering if anybody else has experienced this same issue?  I even experimented with increasing the following configuration settings in development server and it had no affect; 



The default settings for those were 32 and 100 respectively which looks like was the same in our SPS8 as well so those settings hadn't changed. I am wondering if a restart has to happen for these settings to take affect?



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Interestingly I've discovered if I comment out my currency conversion snippet of code from my calc view it activates successfully.  I have another SCN post about currency conversion security issue upgrading to SPS11 and I'm starting to wonder now if it's somehow related to that issue. 

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Ok it's not the currency conversion itself however a case statement within this particular currency conversion function.  PS: Lars I didn't write the code, one of my guys did and you are probably thinking it looks like a bad idea and that's my initial sentiment as well but still it did work in SPS8.  I am taking the case statement completely out but still i'm curious why it worked in SPS8 but not SPS11.  We are seeing other bizarre issues in SPS11 as well which maybe i will post in other threads soon.




   case when ( select K.CURRDEC from "mySchema"."T001" as J

   inner join "mySchema"."TCURX" as K on


   where J.BUKRS = B.BUKRS) is not null then 100 else 1 end,

                           "SOURCE_UNIT_COLUMN" => 'USD',

                          "SCHEMA" => 'mySchema',

                          "TARGET_UNIT" => 'USD',

                          "REFERENCE_DATE" => CURRENT_DATE,

                          "ERROR_HANDLING"=>'set to null',

                          "CLIENT" => '010') as "Amount_GRP_Curr"


    from "mySchema"."MBEW" as A

  inner join "mySchema"."T001K"  as B

    on  A.BWKEY = B.BWKEY 

PS: If the case statement looks completely useless to you (it is!) and that's because I stripped it down and took out the additional formula that was originally in it trying to break it down to it's most simplistic version that would still generate pop error.
